The Newest 'Hearthstone' Legendary From 'One Night In Karazhan' Will Shape The Meta

Prince Malchezzar
Prince Malchezzar Blizzard

Ben Brode, Hearthstone’s lead developer, was in South Korea Monday and revealed two new cards in the card game’s next expansion, One Night In Karazhan. First up, we have Protect the King , a three-mana Warrior spell that summons a 1/1 Pawn with Taunt for each enemy minion. Oh great, another amazing card for Warrior to dominate the meta with. Seriously, this card is like Unleash the Hounds on steroids.

Protect The King
Protect The King Blizzard

Imagine it’s turn five and your opponent’s playing Zoo so they have four minions. Play Protect the King and then Bolster and you have four 3/3 minions with taunt. You are not going to lose that game easily, that board would be truly terrifying. Warriors are the best class in Hearthstone right now, and this card will only make them better. It would be a bit better as a Priest card, but then again Priests are desperate for any good card at this point.

Prince Malchezaar is a five-mana Demon Legendary 5/6 that adds five Legendaries to your deck at the start of the game as long as it’s in your deck. It’s a really interesting card, pushing your deck to 35 cards can be incredibly useful for fatigue control decks like Mage. Those extra five cards can help you outlast your opponent so they kill themselves as they run out of cards.

I think Prince Malchezaar is a perfect addition to Hearthstone . Right now, competitive Hearthstone doesn’t have many surprises: there are three or four good decks with very little variations in play. With this cheeky new Legendary, players have five cards in their decks that are a mystery to everyone. Ben Brode did tell us that you can’t get cards outside of your class or add a duplicate of a legendary already in your deck, but other than that every card is fair game.

The Prince could give you a Lorewalker Cho or Milhouse Manastorm or you could get a Ragnaros the exact turn you need it for lethal. It adds a sense of randomness that high level Hearthstone has been lacking since the format change. The fact that it has great stats and a great effect will make it a important in control mirror match ups, including everyone’s favorite explorer, Reno Jackson.

Do you think Prince Malchezaar will see play, or am I just delusional? Tell us in the comments!

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