'Overwatch' Sombra ARG: amomentincrime Update Reveals Spanish To English Clue

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Overwatch cover art.
Overwatch cover art. (c) Blizzard

After weeks of teasing a new hero character in a convoluted augmented reality game, Overwatch does not in fact have a new hero. Sorry bois: no Sombra yet. Instead, the countdown posted by username “Skycoder” on the Blizzard has revealed a change on amomentincrime.com, a site used by Blizzard as part of the ARG.

Hidden in the page’s source code is another message from Sombra:

“ Bien hecho, ya tienen mi clave. Hackear este programa de televisión no tuvo chiste. Espérense a lo que sigue.”

Translated, her message reads:

“Well done, now you have my key. Hacking this TV show was a piece of cake. Wait for what happens next.”

Amomentincrime is slowly updating a countdown of its own. The text reads:

“...Estableciendo conexión...

...Protocolo Sombra v1.9 iniciado...

...Transmitiendo información a ómnicos activos... 3%

...Terminando conexión…”

Translated, the text reads:

“Establishing connection. Protocol Sombra v1.9 initiated… Transmitting information to active omnics… 3%. Terminating connection.”

If you check out Bastion and Zenyatta's official pages, the hero videos are interrupted by signature Sombra flashes. Hasn't Bastion been through enough?

Popular Overwatch Twitters have also been "hacked" by Sombra, with their user icons changed to a Sombra skull, and the "hacked" accounts are posting the following tweets:

Lumerico is the electric company that provides power to Dorado, which Sombra appears to be investigating (and may be the connection with Soldier 76, who was doing his own investigations there). As for her repeated tweets about Gibraltar, they read:

"I saw it too..."

...In cold blood."

"Nobody was saying anything."


This message can also be seen on PlayOverwatch.us. From Dorado to Gibraltar, eh?

Are you excited to learn more about Sombra’s history with Overwatch and Talon, or are you just hoping she gets released already? What do you make of the latest clue in the Overwatch Sombra ARG? Feel free to talk about Sombra in our comments section below.

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