'Overwatch' Sombra News: Sombra Collective Leads Protest On Nov. 1

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Sombra wants to take down Lumerico and everything they stand for.
Sombra wants to take down Lumerico and everything they stand for. Blizzard

It looks like the Overwatch Sombra ARG is finally coming to a close. On Blizzard’s website on Friday night, a news-style post condemns Lumerico’s president. Imaginary CEO Guillermo Portero allegedly laundered money, bribed public officials and created a “plan to seize privately held land via government expropriation to expand LumériCo's facilities throughout Mexico.”

The article mentions the “Sombra collective,” referring to a group of hackers who have been attacking the Lumerico website. Fans of Overwatch who have been following the ARG closely know that Sombra is a highly-skilled hacker, but maybe she isn’t working alone? There are plenty of other people pissed off at the Mexican nuclear company, so it wouldn’t be surprising to learn that she has a team on her side.

This article is chock full of references to the Overwatch lore. Los Muertos, the gangsters from Solider: 76’s “Alive” short, are siding with Sombra and believe Portero should be punished for his crimes.

The Vishkar corporation, which you might remember from Symmetra’s webcomic, has been talking with Lumerico about exploring “the exporting of LumériCo's proprietary energy systems to Vishkar's developments worldwide.” We know Vishkar is also a pretty shady company – VIshkar blew up a building in an impoverished country just to get the insurance money – so it isn’t surprising they would want to work with another corrupt corporation.

After going on wild goose chases for the last couple of months, Sombra should finally be here on Nov. 1. Los Muertos is organizing a protest on that day to fight back against Lumerico’s newest power plant. Los Muertos means the Dead, so I doubt this protest is going to be peaceful, which is exactly what Sombra wants.

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