There are quite a few bosses and mini-bosses that players can fight throughout the early access period of Grinding Gear Games' "Path of Exile 2" that offer challenging battles.
At the end of the first chapter of the game, players will encounter Draven, the Eternal Praetor, who is one of the mini-bosses in "Path of Exile 2." He is part of the "Sorrow Among Stones" quest.
This particular fight must be done if you want to complete the map and unlock Lachlann of Endless Lament at the end of the graveyard. A lot of players find Drave, the Eternal Praetor, to be a difficult boss to take down.
Fortunately, this guide offers some tips and tricks that you should keep in mind if you plan on facing off against this opponent. This fight offers you a chance to show off how much you have mastered the game's mechanics.
How To Find Draven, the Eternal Praetor
This particular boss can be found in the Mausoleum of the Praetor, which can be accessed through the Cemetery of the Eternals. After getting to this area, you should speak with Lachlann to get the quest needed, according to The Gamer.
After entering the Mausoleum, you will have to look around until you find the boss arena for Draven, the Eternal Praetor. Similar to other bosses in "Path of Exile 2," you will see a checkpoint just outside of the arena in case you fall in battle.
How To Defeat Draven, the Eternal Praetor
When you find the boss arena, you can finally face off against this powerful foe, who has a tendency to fill his arena with spam effects. While the arena itself is relatively large, Draven excels at area denial, which will force you to move into specific spots.
If you have a ranged character, you will most likely have an easier time as you can continue to damage the boss even while trying to dodge his attacks. On the other hand, melee characters might struggle due to the nature of the boss' mechanics, Game Rant said.
Drave has a basic sword combo that hits four times, as well as a large swing that will also send out bolts of necrotic energy in a large cone around him. You need to be patient throughout the fight and find the right opportunity to land a hit.
Other attacks you need to look out for include Draven swinging his sword in two quick arcs to create waves of necrotic bolts in a cone around him. He can also create two lines of necrotic energy when he slams his foot on the ground before swinging his sword down.
He can also summon ghostly hollows that will pop up around the arena and will spawn an Eternal Knight when stepped on.
Lastly, Draven can also summon Asinia, who is a specter that can create three or four necrotic runic circles on the ground that explode after a brief moment, according to Beebom.
Be wary of the last attack, as the circles on the ground are relatively hard to dodge and will deal devastating damage.
It is recommended to simply walk through these to avoid the explosions instead of dodging because you have enough time, as spamming the dodge button might get you struck.