PAX East: 'Voodoo Vince' Creator Talks 'Voodoo Vince Remastered'

Voodoo Vince is back on the Xbox One and PC starting April 18
Voodoo Vince is back on the Xbox One and PC starting April 18 Beep Games

Clayton Kauzlaric, creator of the cult-hit platformer Voodoo Vince, was at this year’s PAX East, and talked to iDigitalTimes about Voodoo Vince Remastered. The cleaned-up version of the game is looking great, playing great, and running on an Xbox One.

The full game was available to play, but Kauzlaric was focusing on showing off the earlier levels for those who may not have played Voodoo Vince 13 years ago on the original Xbox. “A lot of people haven’t had a chance to play the game,” Kauzlaric said.

When asked why Voodoo Vince is back after such a long hiatus, Kauzlaric said he wished he had a good answer. “It was really the amount of time it took to bother people to allow me to do this version of the game and the time it took to make this version of the game. There was no particular timing,” he said.

Voodoo Vince Remastered will be given a graphical facelift, but the gameplay and overall experience remains identical to how it was. “We kept the mechanics, the general gameplay, a lot of the geometry is mostly untouched,” said Kauzlaric. “We’ve upgraded a lot of the textures. The rendering engine has been pretty much completely rewritten.”

The biggest new addition to Voodoo Vince Remastered is its audio. One of the tracks for a Bayou level has been remixed by original composer Steve Kirk. The reason for the update was because Kauzlaric felt the original song was a little too slow, so the new version has some more pep to it.

Voodoo Vince Remastered will be available on Xbox One, PC via Steam and the Windows Store on April 18. This is also an Xbox Play Anywhere game, so buying it once for Xbox One will unlock it for free on the Windows Store.

So what do you think? Are you excited to try out Voodoo Vince Remastered for yourself next month? What other games would you like to see made for modern-day consoles? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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