Treasure Demons are rare enemies in Persona 5 that can be found in both Palaces and Momentos. They yield an unusually high amount of money and EXP, and can be used for Persona Fusion. If you’re looking to take them down, we’ve put together a list featuring the stats and weaknesses of each variety of Treasure Demon.
You’ll be introduced to Treasure Demons in the game’s second palace, and Morgana will offer a quick explainer. Treasure Demons have a gemstone-like shape in the field, and each are named after a rare gem of historical significance. These enemies can pop out of destructable objects in Palaces or just wander around like normal baddies. If you miss one in a Palace, you can find it later in Momentos. While they’re not particularly deadly foes, they are resistant to most forms of attack, and can escape before you have a chance to pinpoint their weaknesses. You can increase your chances of encountering these rare enemies by going to a Palace or Momentos on rainy days, or by using the Treasure Trap infiltration tool.
There are eight different types of Treasure Demons, each with unique weaknesses and skills that can be inherited through Fusion. Many have a broad selection of magic and some great passive skills, so make sure you save them to your Persona Registry for later use. Bear in mind, you can’t equip Treasure Demons like other Personas captured through negotiation.

We’ve listed the weaknesses and inheritable skills for each type of Treasure Demon in Persona 5 below. A good rule of thumb for the more advanced versions (from Koh-i-Noor up) is to aim for a critical melee hit. Use Rebellion or physical attacks with a chance of critical, like Morgana’s Lucky Punch, to knock 'em down.
Regent (Level 10)
- Weak to Psy, Frei
- Fusion Skills: Maragi, Mabufu, Mazio, Magaru, Mapsi, Mafrei, Makouha, Meiha
Queen’s Necklace (Level 15)
- Weak to Guns
- Fusion Skills: Tarukaja, Rakukaja, Sukukaja, Recarm, Media, Tarunda, Rakunda, Sukunda
Stone of Scone (Level 20)
- Weak to Curse
- Fusion Skills: Agilao, Bufula, Zionga, Psilo, Kouga, Eiga
Koh-i-Noor (Level 25)
- Resists all but Blessing and Curse; Null Blessing and Curse
- Fusion Skills: Dodge all of the following: Fire, Ice, Electricity, Wind, Psi, Bless, Curse, Nuclear
Orlov (Level 30)
- Normal damage from Electric only; Resist Physical; Null everything else
- Fusion Skills: Magilao, Mabufula, Mazionga, Magarula, Mapsio, Makouga, Maeiga, Mafreila
Emperor’s Amulet (Level 35)
- Normal damage from Fire only; Blocks Gun, Bless and Curse; Resist Physical; Absorb everything else
- Fusion Skills: Agidyne, Bufudyne, Ziodyne, Garudyne, Psidyne, Freidyne, Kougaon, Eigaon
Hope Diamond (Level 40)
- Normal damage from Wind only; Blocks Gun, Bless and Curse; Resist Physical; Reflect everything else
- Fusion Skills: Auto-Mataru, Auto-Maraku, Auto-Masuku, Endure, Regenerate 2, Invigorate 2, High Counter, Fast Heal
Crystal Skull (Level 50)
- Normal damage from Bless; Blocks Gun; Resist Physical; Reflect everything else
- Fusion Skills: Maragidyne, Mabufudyne, Maziodyne, Magarudyne, Mapsidyne, Mafreidyne, Makougaon, Maeigaon
Manage to fuse some great personas using Treasure Demons? Or do you prefer their EXP and cash drops? Let us know in the comments!
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