Ndemic Creations announced that Plague Inc.: Armageddon is now available on Kickstarter. This is the first major expansion for the widely acclaimed Plague Inc: The Board Game.
The Kickstarter campaign ends May 13 at 5:00 a.m. EDT. As of this writing, the game has already received pledges amounting to almost $60,000 on a goal of $18,000.
Plague Inc.: The Board Game was released in 2017 and is played between 1 to 4 players. In the game, players select between two disease types, either a Virus or a Bacteria. The objective is get as many DNA points as you can while trying to erase humanity. The player having the most DNA points at the end of the game wins.
In Plague Inc.: Armageddon, the game is taken to the next level as it offers new play styles as well as expanding the players' strategic choices. One big change is that the game now allows for a maximum of five players.

The expansion adds the Fungus disease type. The Fungus puts emphasis on mobility, as its Spore Burst is able to infect new countries easily. However, the disease has some difficulty in spreading. Fungus comes with new abilities like Puffball, which can increase the power of future infections. There is also Fungal Bloom, which takes advantage of empty countries in order to get DNA.

There is also the Bioweapon disease type which is all about lethality. This Armageddon ability allows players to kill without the need for the Death Dice. The more people die from the Bioweapon, the stronger it becomes especially with its Festering Corpses that collect DNA from dead countries. This disease type has limited infectivity though, and may even eradicate itself.
Another new feature is known as Tomorrow's World Country Cards. Country cards show a changing world and may have events like Isolationist USA or even a Global Warming Greenland.
The lowest pledge amount is the Armageddon Standard Pledge at $25. It includes a copy of the expansion game along with the Kickstarter bonus Repeat Infection. All stretch goals are included as well. Next is the Armageddon Newcomer Pledge at $55. It includes all benefits of the previous tier, plus the original Plague Inc: The Board Game.
The highest is the Armageddon Enthusiast Pledge at $60 which includes Plague Inc: Armageddon, Repeat Infection pack, and all stretch goals. Added as well is the Collector Edition upgrade, Storage Pack, and Digital Disease pack.
You can learn more at the official Plauge Inc: Armageddon Kickstarter page.