In a collaboration between two of the biggest names in the gaming industry, Pokémon and Bandai Namco are releasing a limited-edition Eevee Tamagotchi. Instead of featuring the iconic Tamagotchi pets of a typical 90's childhood, pet owners will be able to care for and even evolve Eevee, one of the most popular Pokémon of all time.

Tamagotchi has been around a long time. Basically, it's a toy that allows players to care for a virtual pet - including feeding it, playing with it, and even cleaning up after its poop. This time around, owners of the special edition Eevee Tamagotchi will be able to do all of that - except for the poop cleaning, which has been replaced with cleaning up hairballs - and more. With new minigames included, Eevee owners will also be able to evolve their pet into Eevee's many evolutions, such as the electric-type Jolteon, the water-type Vaporeon, the fire-type Flareon, and more.
While the Eevee Tamagotchi is considered special edition, it isn't the first time the popular characters made an appearance in Tamagotchi devices. When the Tamagotchi virtual pet phenomenon turned 20 in 2017, Bandai Namco also released special editions featuring icons like Sonic the Hedgehog. The Eevee x Tamagotchi special edition will also take on the revamped and refined Tamagotchi style that was introduced during the 20th Anniversary.
Unfortunately, the Eevee x Tamagotchi collaborative virtual pet is only being released in Japan. Not surprising, considering that The Pokémon Company and Bandai Namco are both home-grown Japanese companies, and that their IPs are a major part of Japanese culture. While we're a little disappointed that Eevee Tamagotchis won't be popping up in stores near us, there is a possible workaround.
For people living outside of Japan, the solution would be to puchase it from Japanese exporters, or have it shipped internationally from retailers in Japan. While the latter may be the pricier option, it's also probably the only currently viable option, as most of the exporters have already sold out. We're hoping export stocks replenish soon, but with such a high international demand for a product that sells only in one place, it'll take a quite a bit of luck to actually get your hands on one.
What do you think about the collaboration between Pokémon and Tamagotchi? Were you able to get your hands on this elusive special edition virtual pet? If so, will you be keeping your Eevee or evolving him (or her) into your favorite elemental evolution? Let us know what you think in the comments section below!