Pokémon Go Announces Fire And Ice Event, Increased XP For Accurate Throws

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A new event in Pokémon Go is now live
A new event in Pokémon Go is now live Niantic

Summer (or Winter, depending on where you live) is almost here and Pokémon Go is looking to celebrate. Appropriately, the latest event will feature fire and ice-type pocket monsters, along with some big XP bonuses.

As mentioned on the official Pokémon Go website, the fire and ice event will start on June 13 at 4:00 pm EDT and go on until June 20. While walking around, players will encounter more Pokémon like Charmander, Cyndaquil, Ponyta, Swinub and more. There’s also an increased chance in finding more rare and evolved Pokémon like Lapras, Cloyster and Sneasel.

You’ll want to take some extra care when trying to catch Pokémon as well, because there will be an increase in XP for catch rewards. This means you’ll get more XP for nice, great and excellent throws, curve balls and first throw bonuses.

If you want even more bonus XP, you’ll need to focus on eggs. There will be extra XP earned for every egg that gets hatched during the event and Lucky Eggs will be 50 percent off in the Pokémon Go shop. If you combo a Lucky Egg with all these bonus XP opportunities, you could be jumping your way up levels all week.

In other Pokémon Go-related news, another event will take place “soon” after the fire and ice event ends. While details on this second event are scarce, Niantic says it will feature “collaborative group gameplay features.” Because of these features, Niantic says gyms will be turned off for a short while.

The two big questions are “what are these new features?” and “when will this event take place?” The new features are anyone’s guess at this point, but could be friend battles or some other type of fighting mode, seeing as how gyms will be disabled. As for when, it’s likely this event will launch right around the game’s one-year anniversary in early July.

So what do you think? Are you excited to go out at catch fire and ice-type Pokémon later this week? Are you more interested in these teased gameplay features? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

Pokémon Go
A Flawed But Magnificent Experience
Pokémon Go has swept the country but is the mobile game worth an install? Despite its flaws, Pokémon Go really delivers the Pokemon-capture experience.
  • As Close To Living Pokémon Fantasy As It Gets
  • Active And Engaging Experience
  • Lots Of Mon And Events
  • Battles Aren't What Fans Expect
  • Very Grindy
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