Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon has introduced new Ultra Beasts in Alola. There are four new Pokémon/Ultra Beasts with one of them not being revealed by The Pokémon Company.
Ultra Beasts are some of the strongest Pokémon in the game and these four new UBs will make their presence known in online battles soon.
If you’re looking for information on all of the new Ultra Beasts, including their real names, stat spreads and more.
SPOILER ALERT! Some of this information may spoil the story of Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. If you don’t want to know what happens, turn back now.

The first new Ultra Beast revealed for Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon was UB: Burst. It’s real names is Blacephalon and is a Fire/Ghost-type Pokémon with the ability Beast Boost (like all Ultra Beasts have).
What makes this Ultra Beast special is that it comes with its own exclusive attack. Mind Blown is a 150 base power Fire-type attack that deals massive damage but also deals recoil of 50 percent of Blacephalon’s health.
For its stats, it has a total of 570 with the spread going like this: 53/127/53/151/79/107
However, this Ultra Beast can only be found in Ultra Sun after the main story is complete in Poni Caverns.

UB: Assembly’s real name is Stakataka and is a Rock and Steel-type Pokémon with the ability Beast Boost.
It has a 570 base stat total with its stats being mostly in its defense and attack. If you’re looking for a physical tank, look no further than Stakataka.
It’s stat spread is as such: 61/131/211/53/101/13
Stakataka can only be captured in Ultra Moon in the Poni Caverns after the main story is complete.

UB: Adhesive’s real name is Poipole, a pure Poison-type that plays a part in the story of Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon . It also has the ability Beast Boost
Poipole’s base stat totals equal 420 and are pretty balanced. If you feel Poipole’s stats aren’t becoming of an Ultra Beast, that’s because it’s the first one to have the ability to evolve.
It’s stats are spread out like so: 67/73/67/73/67/73
You are gifted Poipole after defeating the Ultra Recon Squad in the story of both Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.

When Poipole learns Dragon Pulse and levels up, it will evolve into Naganadel, a Poison and Dragon-type Pokemon.
Nagandel's base stat totals equal 540 and has a stat spread that makes it a very speedy special attacker.
It’s stat spread is as such: 73/73/73/127/73/121
So which of the new Ultra Beasts is your favorite? Let us know in the comments section below.
- Difficulty is challenging
- Post game is great
- New features and additions are welcome
- Story is muddled
- Not enough changes