Pokken Tournament is a unique Pokémon experience where you can fully control the movements of your Pokémon partner in one-on-one fights.
You’ll have your partner’s special moves and attacks at your disposal as you battle your way up the Ferrum League to become champ. The battle system of Pokken Tournament is unlike any Pokémon game before it, and fans of the Tekken franchise will also find the battling in Pokken different from what they’re used to.
We created this Pokken Tournament battle guide to teach beginners the basics of fighting in the Ferrum League, and all the different aspects of a fight you’ll need to account for, including your Support Pokémon, character types and even your Adviser Cheers.

Before the battle begins, let’s talk about the different character types in Pokken Tournament. Each Pokémon in the game is grouped into one of the following categories: Technical, Standard, Power and Speed.
Standard Pokémon have all around good stats and can excel in more than one aspect of the fight.
Power Pokémon are normally slower than the other groups but pack the most punch.
Technical Pokémon use unconventional techniques to defeat their foes. Some will use traps or float and disappear during battle to confuse foes.
Speed Pokémon are the fastest in regards to movement and attack speed. Those players who enjoy close combat and suffocating fights may excel with this type of Pokémon.
Phase Changes
Fighting in Pokken Tournament is pretty straightforward. You’ll use a series of buttons on the Wii U gamepad (or pro controller) to jump and attack. However, the controls change depending on which Phase you are currently in.
This leads to the most distinctive aspect of Pokken Tournament’s combat, the Phase Changes. There are two phases, Field and Duel Phase. The Field Phase is where every battle begins and it gives you a free range to move around in 3D.
Duel Phase is the classic left and right fighting style made popular by games like Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter.
To change in between phases, you’ll need to either connect a critical hit (normally from a strong combo) or a throw. The phase you are currently in will be displayed in the bottom right corner of the screen.
But first, let’s talk about the controls that are the same in both phases. The R button is to block, but you have to be careful with how long you hold it. It can break and leave you wide open for an attack.

The B button is to jump,Y, X are your attacks and L + R is your throw attack. Holding down A + X also gives your Pokémon a counter attack. Use this technique just before your opponent is about to launch an attack and you’ll knock them back and leave them stunned long enough to go on the offensive. However, this might be a good time to mention the triangle of attacks.
What we mean is that your basic attack, throw and counter all have a weakness and strength. It’s kind of like Rock-Paper-Scissors. Basic attack will cancel out throw attempts, throws will cancel counters and counters will stop basic attacks. Get familiar with this triangle and you can master the fight.

Field Phase
The Y button is your Pokémon’s ranged attack. Use this to hit your opponent from afar and to set yourself to get up close. You can also hold the Y button down to launch a more powerful ranged attack.
X is the homing attack, by repeatedly pressing this your Pokémon will charge at your opponent and then launch a series of attacks. This is a great way to eliminate the distance between the two of you.

Duel Phase
Pressing forward twice or backwards twice will let you dash.
The Y button is a weak or ranged attack (depending on your Pokémon), X is a strong attack and B is to jump.
To throw an opponent, just hold X + A together to perform a throw. As mentioned before, this will change the phase so use it to your advantage.
Phase changes will also fill up your Synergy Gauge.

The Synergy Gauge is the meter above your avatar’s profile in the lower left corner. This will rise whenever a phase change occurs, so you’ll want to deliver as many hard hits and throws to change the phase as much as possible.
When the gauge is full, press L + R to activate your Pokémon’s Synergy Burst. This mode will increase all your Pokémon’s stats and change your normal attacks to powered up versions of the original.
Your Synergy Gauge will run out as time goes so keep one eye on the gauge as you go on the offensive.
Once you’re in Synergy Burst mode you can press L+ R again to activate your Pokémon’s ultimate attack. Land the hit and you’ll perform an over-the-top move that can bring you back from the brink and finish off your opponent.
Support Pokémon

Before your battle, you’ll have your choice of three sets of Support Pokémon. Each set has two Pokémon and before each round you’ll need to choose which of the two you’ll bring into battle. You can change your Support Pokémon sets in My Town.
Support Pokémon have three types: attack, disrupt and enhance. Attack Support Pokémon are used to deal damage to your opponent and can even set up a combo.
You’ll begin with three sets, but as you advance in the Ferrum League you’ll unlock more.
When you first start Pokken Tournament you’ll be introduced to Nia, who will teach you all about the Ferrum region. However, she plays a big part in battles as well.
Between rounds, Nia will have what is called an Adviser Cheer that will help you in battle. Some of her effects include raising your Support Pokémon gauge to the max or increasing your Synergy Gauge.
You’ll have only one cheer to start, but more will be unlocked as you make your way up the Ferrum League.
And that’s it. If you want to see all of the battle strats in action, check out NintenU’s video of the Pokken Tournament tutorial below and let us know what you think of the game in the comments section.