Ubisoft, the developer of Rainbow Six Siege, has introduced a new reporting panel for players and fixed some general gameplay and UI issues in the Y5S2.2 update. The new player reporting panel makes it more convenient to report offending players and adds more details so you can report accordingly. Each reporting option will have some information according to the category of the report such as hacking, cheating, or harrasment.
An issue where you couldn’t launch the game with antivirus software enabled has been fixed, along with some cosmetic clipping issues and visual updates. Multiple level design issues such as drones clipping, texture issues on maps, and others have also been addressed in the latest update.
Rainbow Six Siege Y5S2.2 Patch Notes
You can find the patch notes below:
Player Reporting Panel
The Reporting Panel is getting an upgrade! Building upon the last addition of more reporting categories to improve the granularity of in-game reports, we've added a new player-reporting panel. This new panel will provide you with more information on each type of reporting category so you can make an informed decision about which report type best fits the situation. More accurate reports from you and other players, means we can make sure we're handing out the appropriate sanctions to players that deserve it.
Access the Report options via the Player Profile Panel. Each report type has a description to help you choose the most appropriate report type. Once the report is made, you'll receive a confirmation message that we received the report. Players can only be reported once per match per player.

- FIXED – Issues with launching when AntiVirus protection is on.
- FIXED – Gadget does not always properly deploy if the button is released right before completion.
- FIXED – Various clipping issues on maps.
- FIXED – Various visual texture issues on maps.
- FIXED – Various issues with vegetation on maps.
- FIXED – Echo's Yokai can hide in certain spots on Bank due to missing collision with map assets.
- FIXED – Uneven floor in Coastline.
- FIXED – Defenders are not detected as being 'Outside' when in the window frame of 2F Control Room on Theme Park.
- FIXED – Missing compass location on minimap on Tower.
- FIXED – Some lower sections of soft walls on Kafe can act as unbreakable surfaces.
- FIXED – Unbreakable sign in 1F Office Hallway of Bank.
- FIXED – Gadgets can be deployed in out of reach areas in 2F Control Room on Theme Park.
- FIXED – Defuser can't be picked up after being dropped in the fountain in EXT Fountain on Villa.
- FIXED – Ace's SELMA can get stuck on the cupboard of 1F Kitchen on Oregon and become unrecoverable.
- FIXED – Attackers can be spawn killed from EXT Warehouse on Cluhouse.
- FIXED – Gadgets can be deployed in out of reach areas in 2F Cash Room on Clubhouse.
- FIXED – Attackers can be spawn killed at EXT Warehouse.
- FIXED – Drones can clip through the furniture in 3F Bathroom on Yacht.
- FIXED – Various Menu/UI issues.
- FIXED – Various visual cosmetic issues.
- FIXED – Various cosmetic clipping issues.