Rainbow Six Siege changes drastically almost every year, and this year will be no different. During the Siege ’s Year 6 Panel, the developer revealed tons of new information about upcoming changes. Some of these changes will be available in Crimson Heist, while some will come at a later date.
More Play Less Wait
Rainbow Six Siege is a game where players spend more time waiting and less time engaging, in the drone phase and dead phase. While an ideal player should watch cams and give calls when they die, most don’t.
Prep Phase
In Year 6, things are going to change as developers are toying with the idea that attackers can modify their operator in the prep phase while droning. As of right now, choosing an attacker is mostly guesswork. Attackers don’t know where the site will be and what gadgets they will need to counter defenders. This should make the game much more strategic.
Dead Phase
Year 6 will also allow dead players to have more impact on the round. Defenders will have the ability to use their camera gadgets when they die. It means that Echo, Mozzie, and Maestro can use their gadgets the same way when they're alive. So, a dead Echo player can win the match just by denying the plant with his drone.
Dead attacking players will have full control of their "already deployed" drones. It means that if you die, you can still drone your ally into the building - no more sitting idle when you get killed.
The latter change is likely to become very controversial.
Match Replay
The previously announced Match Replay feature will come to Rainbow Six Siege in Crimson Heist. This new feature will initially launch in beta mode. Once launched, players can see the entire match from all perspectives, including the enemy and top-down view. Players can choose which round they wanna see, and they can also rewind or slow down the recording.
In the future, players will have the ability to share their clips with friends. This is a great tool to learn more about enemy strategies and improve your game sense.
Ubisoft has also claimed that they will release Match Replay of Pro-League matches.

New Gadget
Defenders have tons of gadgets now, there is no doubt about that. That’s why the developer has given the attackers one more piece of equipment to destroy these gadgets. A few selected attacking operators will have access to a new weapon called GONNE-6. It will only have one bullet and it can destroy almost every defender gadget like Castle’s Barricade, Maestro Cam, and Barbed Wire, among others.
Keep in mind that this weapon will take your secondary weapon slot. So, you will only have to rely on your primary weapon to deal with enemies.
Bulletproof Cam Rework
Defenders will soon have one more gadget to annoy attackers, a rework for Bulletproof. Instead of the cam being stationary, you can move it just like a Valkyrie or a normal cam. It also includes a Taser that players can use to destroy gadgets.
Operator Changes
Several Operators are going to be tweaked this year, and rightly so:
Attackers will be able to melee Mira’s Black Mirror window. This reduces the visibility so players will have to put their Mira window at the correct location.
Maestro’s Evil Eye will be nerfed where an attacker can go melee with the cam and disable it. To enable it back, Maestro himself has to reach the cam.
The developer is aware of the 20-second META. To counter that, Goyo is getting a rework in the future. The Shield part of Goyo’s Vulkan Shield will be removed, while he will only be able to deploy the explosive canister. Developers are still working on the shape of the device but they assure that the shield is gone.
Melusi is another operator that becomes a big problem for an attacker, and thus, she's getting a major nerf. Melusi trap will expose a weak point when an attacker is nearby, which means an attacker can shoot the device instead of going melee.
Streamer Mode
Streamers and content creators have been asking for this feature for years. Crimson Heist will allow players to turn on Streamer mode. This will hide the player’s region, name, level, profile picture, and more. It will also hide other player’s names and add a matchmaking delay. This helps counter stream sniping more efficiently.

Menu Overhaul
Throughout this year, the developer will overhaul most of the game’s menu to make it cleaner and easy to use. A screenshot of the Weapon Skin menu was also revealed.

Crossovers and Elite Skins
Zofia is getting a new Jill Valentine’s Elite Skin from a crossover between Resident Evil and Rainbow Six Siege, just like the Tomb Raider and Siege crossover last year. This Elite Skin will be available from Season 1.
Season 2 will also bring an Elite Skin in collaboration with the Resident Evil franchise but Ubisoft didn’t mention which character.
Speaking of Elite Skins, Kali's Masterframe Prototype I’ Elite Skin is available for purchase right now. The set comes with a uniform, gadget, and weapon skin along with an Elite Kali Chibi. Check out the trailer above.
The developer didn’t outright confirm yet teased that there is going to be some sort of crossover between Siege and Rick and Morty. We don’t know what it will be but we sure are excited.
Elite Skin Mix and Match
Soon you will be able to mix and match all of your Elite Skins. It means if you want to use Elite Skin Uniform but with a different headgear, well you can. Players will also be able to apply victory dance to any skin. This is a very welcome change as my Tachanka victory dance with Lord Tachanka Skin is going to look amazing.
Reduce Game Size
A few months ago, the developer released an update that drastically reduced game size, and they are still not done. Developers confirmed that they are still finding ways to further shrink the overall size of the game.
Soon players will be able to download the cosmetics skins and uniforms when they purchase them, instead of it being part of your base game. This will remove tons of crap that you don’t want or need.
Check out our previous article to know more about Year 6 Roadmap and Operation Crimson Heist.