Red Dead Online, since its inception last year, has evolved quite a bit to the amazing multiplayer title we now have today. The most recent additions made to the game have ultimately established the foundation for the game’s future, with an expansive range of enhancements designed to allow players to roam the huge open world freely and play the game in their own way.
As announced by Rockstar today, another major evolvlution is coming again later this summer as the specialist roles will be introduced. These are unique paths to take in the game’s progression system, allowing players to deeply engage themselves in a role of their choosing. Each specialist comes with their own tailored gameplay elements for a much more immersive and fully-realized playthrough than ever before. Ultimately, the introduction of these roles points to what the future holds for Red Dead Online – a living, breathing and fully immersive world where players can either cooperate or go at it alone as they build their lives on the frontier.
Rockstar Games has released information on the first three specialist Roles, with more to come in the future.
- The Bounty Hunter is as its name implies – a person operating on either side of the law. Being licensed as a Bounty Hunter allows players to track down, capture and/or ultimately kill their targets, depending of course on your choices. A player with high enough bounty can also end up as a designated target. The Bounty Hunter can make use of a reinforced lasso for extra-tough targets, as well as advanced gun-spinning and tracking skills.
- The Trader is for those who want to capitalize on the ever-growing need for supplies on the frontier – think of yourself as a burgeoning capitalist. With an expansive knowledge of furs, skins and butchery, you’ll be able to take your business of producing and selling valuable goods to the next level. The Trader can unlock abilities that allow him to upgrade his Camp Weapons Locker, Stew Pot or make room for a dog to warn of danger nearing the camp.
- The Collector is for opportunists who see wealth in locating rare and valuable items. Starting off on this role requires you to look for a mystic travelling saleswoman and search for lost jewelry, rare arrowheads and other treasures to sell. Gaining progress in this role will allow you access to tools like the Refined Binoculars, a Horse Lantern or even a Metal Detector, all helpful for expanding your search for more treasure.
Players can progress through each role simultaneously, allowing you to become good at all of them, or just focus on one, allowing you to become the best at one of them. It’s an interesting dynamic that should make the frontier more exciting in general.
In addition to these specialist roles, Rockstar also announced some very substantial changes being tweaked for the next big Red Dead Online update.
“Substantial, across the board changes are being made to combat and movement to allow for a more responsive control system that still feels natural,” the press release states. “Additional damage reduction to Defensive players is also on the horizon, and the game will now remember your preferred playing style (Offensive or Defensive) when you exit and relaunch the game. There will also be many more lootable items to be found throughout the world, like containers on wagons or the occasional Gold Tooth on an unfortunate soul.”
In addition to this, expect the next Red Dead Online update to add a new feature – the ability to reset your character’s appearance. This should be a boon to those who’ve grown tired of their face.
Check back in with us as soon as more news drops on the massive changes incoming to Red Dead Online. The game is now available to play on both Xbox One and PlayStation 4.