Reigns is a new mobile adventure game with a Tinder-like twist. Check out our review, here.
Take Tinder and cross it with a gamebook adventure storyline and you get the new Reigns mobile game. But this is probably the worst way to describe what an absolutely brilliant offering by Devolver Digital Reigns is. The game is simple to learn but has a depth I hadn’t anticipated. Add to it the aesthetically appealing graphics and you have a game that is every bit worth the $2.99 you’ll spend to download it.
'Reigns' Gameplay

The object of Reigns is for you, the King, to stay alive as long as possible. The game consists of a stack of story cards with a question on each. You swipe left to answer “no”, or right to answer “yes” on many of the questions, but not every question can be answered with a simple yes or no. Other times, the choices may be more complex. By slightly pulling the card to the left or the right, you can see what answers are available before making your decision.
Depending which way you swipe will ultimately determine your fate – and of course the length of your reign. If you choose poorly, you die, and a new king takes over. As you work through the game, you’ll be given different missions to complete, like winning duels, meeting witches or recruiting doctors.

There are four powers that determine how safe your king is from croaking, getting knocked off or meeting some other untimely end. They don’t have specific names but we’ve deemed them the church, the people, the military and the treasury. Each has an icon in the bar above the cards to show you how well you are doing in each area. Early in the game, The Spirit of the Fallen advises you to keep these four powers as balanced as possible.

If you’ve ever played any of the Dictator games, Reigns will be slightly reminiscent of them, but the choose your own adventure storyline combined with its subtle humor makes Reigns a more engaging offering in my opinion.
The storyline has plenty of wit and humor and I personally love the fact that when you pay the $2.99 you’ve got the whole game. There’s no buying upgrades or dealing with ad breaks. It’s just good old fashioned fun. The fact Reigns is a game you can pick up or set down at any time makes it a great option for casual gamers. You can use it to fill a few idle moments in your day or for just leisurely enjoying no matter what the situation. If you appreciate well-made mobile games with both wit and depth, Reigns definitely belongs on a list of games to try. It is available now on the App Store, Google Play and Steam for $2.99.