Remembering Taric, 'League of Legends' Fabulous Gem Knight

I refuse to use Armor of The Fifth Age
I refuse to use Armor of The Fifth Age Riot Games

Let’s talk about Taric . He’s most likely going to be the next aspect of Targon and the next reworked champion, and everything about him is going to change. He will have some ridiculous gem abilities that actually utilize the idea of a gem knight, instead of a walking armor aura. League can’t have silly characters anymore, ask Pantheon. He once wanted to be a baker, now he’s an aspect of war.

Taric has become a joke in the League community. He’s one of the oldest champions in the game, and his model has not aged well. His feet look like giant slices of pizza -even Evelynn wouldn’t dance with him. His shield and hammer take up most of his model, and his hair is so static, it looks like someone glued Play-Doh to his head. Even his quotes are ridiculous. His joke is: “gems are truly outrageous” which is a reference to the television show Jem and the Holograms . Unfortunately, the average League player isn’t old enough to remember the ‘80s.

If these were his only problems, Taric might still be considered viable. A champion’s kit is all that really matters when it comes down to playing. Taric has the simplest kit of any League of Legends champion. He has no skill shots, no sustained damage, and no escapes. He’s more of a walking rock than Malphite. It’s a blessing and a curse.

Even with all of these legitimate complaints, I am going to miss the old Taric. He taught me how to play League of Legends . When I was just a baby newbie, with barely 50 games under my belt, I decided that I needed to “main” a champion. I went through the list on the Riot website, checking off all the champions I thought were too hard or didn’t fit my playstyle. So many champions required aim, map awareness, or general knowledge of cooldowns. After a long, arduous soul search, involving a Ouija board and a desert shaman, I managed to settle on Taric, the Gem Knight.

Taric’s kit was simple, and the players on the other team usually had no idea what he actually did. I could engage with my Dazzle, and then follow up with Shatter and Radiance. My ADC would gain attack damage and the enemy would lose armor. I would get excited when I’d see the enemy pick a Blitzcrank. All I had to do was stand in front of my duo partner, and when Blitz would hook me, I’d engage on his ADC. The enemy would flame, typing in all chat: “newb champ, no skill” and Taric and I would laugh together, frolicking off to play another game.

Taric helped me get out of Bronze in Season Four, and for that he will always be important to me. He taught me the proper way to engage, how to peel for your team and most importantly how little mechanics matter in League of Legends . Knowing when to engage is just as important as knowing how to engage. I will never forget you Gem Knight.

Ruby for Vigor

Sapphire for Divinity

Emerald for Insight

Opal for Harmony

R.I.P. pizza feet

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