RimWorld Update 1.3.3080 Adds New Ideoligion UI and Improves Performance, Patch Notes Here

Rimworld Update 1.3.3080
Rimworld Update 1.3.3080 Steam

RimWorld, the indie construction simulation game developed by Ludeon Studios, received a small yet important update yesterday. The update improves the game’s performance, adds a new Ideoligion UI panel, fixes bugs, and makes some technical changes.

The new Ideoligion setup screen will be fully customizable. You can tweak the UI via preset options. The patch drastically improved the game’s memory usage. The performance will be further improved in the areas that are heavily modified. A new temperature precept icon is added and the oil smear art is now more faded.

You can read about the rest of the changes below:

  • Add a new ideoligion setup interface that allows playing like classic RimWorld, using presets, or fully customizing.
  • Improvements to texture atlas video memory usage.
  • Change harmful aging thought minimum age from 20 to 25.
  • Rebelling slaves now drop shield belt if they have a ranged weapon.
  • Add more constraints to Empire faction ideo generation. They are no longer proselytizers. This makes it less annoying to host them. (This will only apply to new games.)
  • Increased plant harvest yield stats' max values.
  • Don't list "Cannot remove: Required" float menu option for precepts that have a default. All available options are already listed.
  • Ideoligion text color now has a min brightness, for better visibility.
  • Simplify the CompareTooltipsByPriority call.
  • Optimize shield belt apparel code in pickup opportunistic weapon.
  • Ensure consistent order for ideo preset tooltips. Use StableSort for tooltips in general.
  • Make quest dialog close actions serializable.
  • Adjust slave rebellion likely alert copy to make things a bit more friendly to translators.

As mentioned above, the patch also fixes multiple bugs. You can read about them in great detail on the official site.

RimWorld received the new expansion pack, Ideology, which was released last month. It added new social roles, rituals, belief systems.

So what do you think? Are you interested in the new ideoligion setup screen? Or do you prefer the old one? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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