A year after its release, Rodeo Stampede continues to maintain a loyal following of rodeo masters eager to explore the game’s latest maps and lasso up all the animals, including the elusive secret or hidden mission animals. The latest map, Mount Olympus, didn’t disappoint as it brought with it over 60 new animals, five of which are secret animals. Below we’ve put together a listing of all the secret animals and what tasks you must perform to unlock them. We also included a full listing of all other animals in the Mount Olympus region as well. If you are in a different Rodeo Stampede region and need to complete your animal list, you can check out all our Rodeo Stampede animal lists, here.
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Rodeo Stampede Secret Animal List: All New Mount Olympus Animals And How To Get Them

There are five new Rodeo Stampede animals that can be found in the Mount Olympus region. Here’ how to unlock each of them.
Secret Hind “Hindsight”
How To Get It - to unlock Hindsight, ride for 1250m. Once you see him, jump on his back and ride him until he is befriended.
Secret Phoenix “Threenix”
How To Get It - to unlock Threenix, you must ride on a griffin and eat three phoenixes.
Secret Minotaur “Mine-o-taur”
How To Get It - to unlock Mine-o-taur, ride a phoenix and smash a minotaur twice.
Secret Dragon “Quetzalcoatl”
How To Get It - to unlock Quetsalcoatl, ride 7 animals in a row.
Secret Turtle “Fruit Tartle”
How To Get It - unknown
Other New Mount Olympus Animals
There are eight species of animals in the Rodeo Stampede Mount Olympus update, for a total of 64 new animals. They are as follows:

Pegasus (Base) - you will start out the region with this animal.
Peryton - you will see this animal at 200m
Pegasus in Training - You will see this animal at 750m
Picarus - you will see this animal at 1300m
Peglegasus - you will see this animal at 1300m
Trojan Horse 2.0 - you will see this animal at 1800m
Unicorn (RARE) - you will see this animal at 1800m
Pegazeus (BOSS) - you will see this animal at 1800m

Ceryneian Hind (Base) - this is a starter animal.
Elaphoi Khrysokeroi - you will see this animal at over 200m
Oh Deer Lord - You will see this animal at over 750m
TV Hind - you will see this animal at over 1300m
Beehind - you will see this animal at over 1300m
Golden Hinde - you will see this animal at over 1800m
Mi-24-Hind - you will see this animal at over1800m

Minotaur (BASE) - this is a starter animal.
Satyr - you will see this animal at over 200m
Cyclops - you will see this animal at over 750m
Minotaur Matador - you will see this animal at over 1300m
Minotorious Cowboy - you will see this animal at over 1300m
Spartan Bullwark - you will see this animal at over 1800m
Anubis - you will see this animal at over 1800m

Griffin (BASE) - this is a starter animal.
Hippogriff - you will see this animal at over 200m
Chimera - You will see this animal at over 750m
Hippalectryon - you will see this animal at over 1300m
Manticore - you will see this animal at over 1300m
Spiffin - you will see this animal at over 1800m
Griffin Door - you will see this animal at over 1800m
Riffin (BOSS) - you will see this animal at over 1800m

Phoenix from Mount Olympus region of Rodeo Stampede.

Phoenix (BASE) - this is a starter animal.
Corvus - you will see this animal at over 200m
Stimphalian Bird - you will see this animal at over 750m
Aetos Dios - you will see this animal at over 1300m
Alectryon - you will see this animal at over 1300m
Avian Attorney - you will see this animal at over 1800m
Remix Phoenix - you will see this animal at over 1800m
Dragon (BASE) - this is a starter animal.
Colchian Dragon - you will see this animal at over 200m
Dragon of Helios - You will see this animal at over 750m
Y Ddraig Goch - you will see this animal at over 1300m
Nidhogg - you will see this animal at over 1300m
Cockatrice - you will see this animal at over 1800m
Zmey Gorynych - you will see this animal at over 1800m
Giant Turtle (BASE) - this is a starter animal
Black Turtle - you will see this animal at over 200m
Aristurtle - you will see this animal at over 750m
Ninja Turtle - you will see this animal at over 1300m
World Turtle - you will see this animal at over 1300m
Flippin Burger - you will see this animal at over 1800m
Shellebration - you will see this animal at over 1800m
Hydra (BASE) - this is a starter animal
Naga - you will see this animal at over 200m
Ophiotaurus - You will see this animal at over 750m
Ladon - you will see this animal at over 1300m
Amphisbaena - you will see this animal at over 1300m
Basilisk - you will see this animal at over 1800m
Jormungandr - you will see this animal at over 1800m
Cerastes (BOSS) - you will see this animal at over 1800m
- endless hopper gameplay
- tons of new and secret animals to discover and collect
- new and updated maps regularly added