'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story' Reshoots: Christopher McQuarrie Denies Leaks Surrounding His Involvement

  • Science Fiction
Donnie Yem in 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story'
Donnie Yem in 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story' Disney

Christopher McQuarrie has denied supervising reshoots for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story in response to leaks from the set to Making Star Wars, which wrote Thursday, “Gareth Edwards is doing the reshoots himself but with a partner, Christopher McQuarrie.”

Speaking to Slashfilm, McQuarrie denied any involvement with the Rogue One reshoots:

“If there are any reshoots on Rogue One, I’m not supervising them. For any outlet to say so is not only wrong, it’s irresponsible. Gareth Edwards is a talented filmmaker who deserves the benefit of the doubt. Making a film – let alone a Star Wars chapter – is hard enough without the internet trying to deliberately downgrade one’s years of hard work. Who does that even serve? Let him make his movie in peace.”

This represents the fourth spin on the status of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. The original Page Six story cited anonymous sources that claimed the movie sucked, necessitating extensive reshoots. Anonymous sources more friendly to Disney then spoke to The Hollywood Reporter, claiming the reshoots were less about quality and more about bringing Rogue One into line with Star Wars: The Force Awakens, toning down the war elements and injecting more fun.

But it was Making Star Wars who came forward with the most details, citing multiple anonymous sources to assert that nearly 40% of Rogue One would be reshot, largely to bring in line with Christopher McQuarrie’s draft of the movie, which was written during the initial filming. Making Star Wars didn’t go so far as to state that McQuarrie would be supervising or controlling the reshoots, but was adamant that he’d be deeply involved.

McQuarrie lashed out at sites covering the Rogue One set leaks on Twitter, calling for a complete retraction of the story.

While McQuarrie’s clarification makes it clear that he wouldn’t be supplanting Gareth Edwards, his additional assertion that he wasn’t even aware of the reshoots is a little harder to believe. I’ve reached to McQuarrie via Twitter for comment and will update the post if we get a clearer sense of how and when Christopher McQuarrie became apprised of the changes being made to Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

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