The September 20 Patch for the open-world survival game SCUM, also known as the Call of Beauty Update, is now available on Steam.
Developer Gamepires brought some massive changes to character creation in SCUM. In fact, you can now tweak certain physical aspects of female characters that were not possible before this update.
First, there are eight new character models to choose from. Next, you’ll find plenty of new customization options to let you adjust eye color, hairstyle, hair color, skin tone, and even breast size. That’s not all! You can also go for that tough look by adding some tattoos on your character’s body.

Aside from that, Gamepire reworked how clothing wraps around the body . Clothes in SCUM now fit well, making your character look more natural and streamlined. The animations have also been revamped, so female characters now walk in a sexier manner.

Those are not the only things that the Call of Beauty Update has to offer. Here are some of the quality-of-life improvements added in this patch:
- Cantaloupe melon can now be cut into slices.
- Adjusted the weight of bobby pins and bobby pin packages.
- Adjusted bundle of safety pins description.
- Adjusted small gasoline canister size.
- Adjusted remote door key and door battery usage.
- Various head items no longer hide hair.
- Boost of energy side effect now affects/boosts max stamina.
- Decreased CON loss rate by 50%.
- Other players' BCU chips will now properly display their color.
- Decreased the range of trader initiation voice line activation.
- Characters will now only lean forward when a heavy backpack or weapon in a holster is equipped.
- Backpack inflation will now be properly applied.
- Adjusted trader items prices and availability.
- Disabled throwing action on small toolboxes.
- Masks that cover the entire head will now be mutually exclusive from normal masks.
- Adjusted inventory size of nail and bolt boxes.
- Wooden chests will now be destroyable with blunt and sharp objects, Metal chests can only be destroyed with blunt objects.
- Removed craftable bear paws and boots until further notice.
- Disabled the ability to fill Improvised workbench BP with a bundle of planks.
- Ghillie suits will now go over equipped body armor.
- Removed #setprivatepartssize and #settattooindex commands since they can now be changed in plastic surgery.
What can you say about the new customization options? Are you going to create a new character as soon as you’ve updated the game?
SCUM Patch 0.7.500.53341 is available on PC.