‘The Sims 4’ Cheats: How To Unlock All ‘Dine Out’ Restaurant Perk Points

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  • Simulator
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Running a restaurant in The Sims 4 isn’t nearly as easy as it appears. Managing employees, knowing when to praise and criticize the wait staff, and keeping guests happy all at once can be extremely difficult until the restaurant reaches 4 or 5 stars. Thankfully, Dine Out awards players with restaurant perks points along the way to make things just a little easier. An extra waiter, curious customers and ingredient quality options go a long way. The downside is that it takes more than a few dinner services to earn enough perk points to unlock all the rewards. Reddit user TwistedMexi has the answer. Use these cheats to unlock whatever restaurant perk you need.

First make sure testingcheats is enabled by pressing control+shift+c and typing testingcheats true. Enter the following command for each perk:

Curious Customers

bucks.unlock_perk RecommendDishSocial true

Additional Waiter #1

bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWaiter_1 true

Ingredient Quality Options

bucks.unlock_perk IngredientQualityOptions true

Meal Rush

bucks.unlock_perk MoreCustomers true

Surplus Harvest

bucks.unlock_perk IngredientCostDiscount true

Patient Patrons

bucks.unlock_perk LengthenImpatienceTimeout true

Additional Chef

bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalChef true

Curiouser Customers

bucks.unlock_perk RecommendDishFrequency true

Additional Waiter #2

bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWaiter_2 true

Inspirational Speech

bucks.unlock_perk InspirationalSpeechSocial true

Fast Eaters

bucks.unlock_perk EatFaster true

Lower Employee Training Cost

bucks.unlock_perk LowerEmployeeTrainingCost true

Small Ingredient Discount

bucks.unlock_perk CheaperIngredients_1 true

Well Funded Foodies

bucks.unlock_perk ExpensiveOrders true

Tidy Tippers

bucks.unlock_perk RiskFreeMarkup true

Large Ingredient Discount

bucks.unlock_perk CheaperIngredients_2 true

Well Managed

bucks.unlock_perk LowerChanceBadEvents_Small true

The Chef's Hat

bucks.unlock_perk ChefsHat true

Need more tips on running a restaurant? Check out iDigi’s guide.

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