In New York City, laundry day is far from relaxing. If you wait until your last pair of underwear (Don’t front, you do it too), you end up with two dense bags of dirty clothes over your shoulder, a four-block walk through the snow and a lonely two-hour wait at the laundromat. But not in The Sims. The new Laundry Day Stuff Pack insists laundry is “the most relaxing of chores.”
The new trailer debuts the shiny machines availabe to add to your bustling family abode, along with an outdoor washtub and clothesline. The trailer is also just as dramatic as the Simmers who WOULD NOT SHUT UP about laundry for the past two years. Beethoven's “Ode To Joy” plays as washing machines and dryers fall from the sky. Sims test out the new machines for the first time with huge, creepy smiles on their faces. Literally, did you hear this woman’s sadistic giggle as she walks over to the washer? Is this a horror movie? Is there a serial killer who gets off on the scent of fabric softener? When one Sim finished hanging his clothes on the line, he felt so accomplished you would have thought he got a career promotion.
Let’s not forget about the furniture and clothing in this pack. What’s on display should be familiar, since we all voted for the objects and CAS items. The wicker and rustic furniture look amazing. There’s an awesome standing sink and intricate wall shelving, perfect for a country home. The pack also includes a window seat that doesn’t need to be placed in the corner of a wall, which will prove very useful. As far as clothing goes, these unique country pieces will certainly spice up your Sims’ wardrobe... just don’t wear them to San Myshuno.
There are also three hairstyles on display that we didn’t vote for (with an official explanation here). They are all laid-back “woke up like this” looks, two feminine and one masculine. Take a look at all the assets below (and notice how creepily happy most of the featured Sims are). What are you looking forward to most? Let us know in the comments. Laundry Day releases Jan. 16.