‘The Sims 4’ Updates: Weekly ‘Sims’ Livestreams Coming Soon

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Still no word on the restaurant game pack expected by mid-June latest.
Still no word on the restaurant game pack expected by mid-June latest. EA/ The Sims 4

It’s been over three months since a hearty Sims content announcement. EA has been hiding under a rock since Romantic Garden Stuff released in February. In the most nebulous 15-second teaser video in Sims history, EA confirmed a restaurant game pack and a kids stuff pack is on the way. Simmers rested easy for about a week, until the waves went silent yet again; no dates, no content teases, and no cryptic tweets. Here’s The Sims news drought summed up in a single GIF:

The forums are not a safe place right now. Unless your looking to give SimGuruDrake a hard time (probably not the best way to speed up content announcements, just sayin’), stay clear. Yesterday, she took to the forums on behalf of The Sims team in an attempt to deescalate the situation. Most of this is what we’ve been hearing for the last few months, but here’s the important chunk of the post:

  • Livestreams, where did they go? Well I am happy you asked! They will be returning soon (I know I've been saying that for a while but things do take time.) I wanted to expand them to be more than just streams tied to pack releases, I want to provide you with a way to engage with different members of the team to chat with you and play The Sims and I'm excited for the new streams (I'm shooting for weekly ones --so get ready for that!)
  • Information on future content I'm going to sound like a broken record here as I've talked about this several times before but we cannot provide more information about future content until we are ready to (yes that includes free content.) I often see people confusing what "future content" means so I'd like to clarify: If it is not currently in the game it is considered future and cannot be talked about until we are able.
  • What about the monthly content? While some have interpreted this as relating only to paid content this actually related to all content - free and paid - we provide monthly updates that include bug fixes, free content (NPCs, items, etc), and have also been doing fun monthly challenges.
  • All we got was that 15 second video, I want more information than that I've gone over this one a couple times now in different threads. This teaser video is not meant to be a big break down to give you all the information you will ever want about a pack way before it's released. This teaser is meant to fill three things: Tell you what type of pack it is, what the theme of the pack is, and around when you will learn more information about it. It also provides a hint at free content coming within that season/quarter but it will not show you every little thing that will be in the packs. It will not replace our normal announce schedule for each type of content, its to show you a look ahead so you know whether or not you are interested in learning more about the content coming up. If not, then no worries, you know that there will be another video at the start of the next season/quarter that may show content that is of interest to you.

The fact SimGuruDrake is planning for weekly content livestreams is promising, but EA’s reputation with the word ‘soon’ isn’t. The Sims team must make a content announcement by the beginning of June at the latest to fulfill their spring release promise. This means the restaurant/dining themed game pack should be available by mid-June. The kids stuff pack is set for summer release, so it could be awhile. Stay tuned for updates!

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