The Sims 4: Vampires game pack brings cool features like the ability to set light and dark forms, sleeping in coffin, drink plasma and duel, but there are some features you may not have discovered yet, or overlooked. Once you’ve spent a good chunk of time experimenting with the 20+ powers and loads of new interactions and objects, here’s a few other things you should try.
1. WooHoo in a Coffin
Just to see the animation.
2. Cover Walls with Webs
Set the mood!
3. Drink Plasma From A Sleeping Sim
Be the ultimate creeper.
4. Grow A Venus Fly Trap
Just don’t piss it off.
5. Kill a Vampire
Stay in the sun too long... just once.
6. Master the Organ
Vampires don’t play pianos.
7. Get Sick from Garlic
The classic vampire repellent in every good story.
8. Fall in Love With a Human
Sway the mortals with your telepathic powers.
9. Make Plasma Cocktails
Vampires are plasma-holics and these cocktails aren't your average drink.
10. Turn a Sim into a Vampire
Bless a willing mortal with vampiric genes.