Friends don’t let friends drink and drive. And now, courtesy of a smart bottle opener, your friends can know when you’re drinking to make sure you always have a designated driver.
Called BOx, the smart bottle opener sends your friends a text every time you use a bottle opener to crack a bottle open. From an aesthetic standpoint, the smart bottle opener is made of solid wood and has a stainless steel back. The design allows a user to open a bottle using just one hand.
The product features a “unique ergonomic design that will give a new dimension to your drinking experience” with a Wi-Fi board that communicates to your social network through the Internet. The gadget works regardless of whether the user is near their phone or not. But in order to use it, the bottle opener needs to be connected to a smartphone device.

“BOx is fitted with a smart Wi-Fi board, powered by a AAA replaceable battery,” says BOx on their website. “The board settings are preset by the BOx App through Wi-Fi. Each time you open a bottle the board is activated and communicates directly to the Internet, even if your phone is not near by.”
Once the user syncs the opener to Wi-Fi, they can select their friends from the accompanying app. The app lets users select their chat platform of choice (say, Facebook Messenger or Slack) and use a “Smart Cheers” algorithm to determine when to notify the predetermined list of contacts. “The “Smart Cheers” algorithm uses time, location, frequency, and other factors blended in with our own special sauce to keep your friends updated wherever they are,” says the BOx website.
Currently, users can back up the Kickstarter campaign for what the creative team is calling “the world’s first smart bottle opener.”