Star Citizen 2.6 includes the first implementation of Star Marine, and there’s a lot to learn about CIG’s first-person shooter module. Here’s a guide for gameplay tips, weapons, maps, controls and tiny features you may not know about.
Basic Controls : Before getting too deep into anything, let’s get some of the basic controls down.
1: Pistol
2: Primary Weapon
3: Secondary Weapon (if available)
R: Reload
Right Mouse: Aim down sight
C: Change fire mode on rifles
X: Respawn
Middle Mouse: Melee
F: Interact
V: Use health syringe
G: Grenade (aim low to roll a grenade, aim high to lob)
Q: Lean left
E: Lean right
Right mouse: Lean and aim (in cover)
X: Prone
Cntrl: Crouch
T: Flashlight
F1: Scoreboard
Numpad: Hand signals
Enter: Chat
Maps And Modes : Star Marine in 2.6 features two maps: OP Station Demien and Echo Eleven. The former is more light, open and vertical with EVA points in the center. The latter is cramped, dark and horizontal with EVA points scattered around the map.
The two available game modes are Elimination and Last Stand. Elimination is your basic free-for-all mode with point rewards for kills. Last Stand takes place over four rounds. Players must compete to capture four control panels marked A, B, C and D. There’s a seven-minute timer and spawns change every other round.
Upon starting Star Marine, you can choose to play in a private or multiplayer match. You can also add friends by entering a lobby and hitting the invite button. Both sides of a relationship must add each other.
Weapons And Armor : Because Star Citizen is still in alpha, the weapon selection for Star Marine is pretty bare-bones right now. There are four primary options and two pistols to try out. Here’s the skinny on your options.

- Ballistic Rifle: This is one of your best choices right now. It’s a bit large and suffers in the recoil department, but it does good damage and has three fire modes that you can access by hitting C. They cycle through auto, burst and single-shot in that order. Burst is great for mid or long-range combat. Don’t use single shot.
- Energy Rifle: Not as powerful, but it has less recoil and doesn’t have to reload. Fire modes are available here too.
- Energy Shotgun: Great in close quarters but only if you can get a kill in one or two shots.
- Arrowhead Sniper: A standard sniper, but it’s not suited for these two maps. We wouldn’t use it.
- Energy And Ballistic Pistols: Fairly typical sidearms that work just like the primaries above. Ballistic has more recoil and power. Energy is weaker but can be more accurate. The Ballistic
Pistol is found on tables at Last Stand spawns or purchased from the Voyager Direct store.
Armor is far more simple. It comes in light or medium varieties. Medium lets you hold a secondary weapon but is a little slower. Light doesn’t have a secondary item slot and is faster. Beginners should probably start with medium and work up to light.
Gameplay Tips : We couldn’t really fit these into a cohesive category, so here are a handful of last-minute gameplay tips to get the drop on your Star Marine enemies.

- Adjust your mouse sensitivity in-game or with external tools to get the best shooting results.
- Don’t reload in traffic. Find cover first and use objects wisely. Don’t forget about your handgun either.
- There are objects scattered around the maps like ammo, weapons and health syringes. Interact with them by hitting F. Syringes are in marked medical stations.
- Your radar works like the one on your ship. Friendlies are marked in blue and enemies are marked in red. Straight lines from the center indicate someone on the same floor, while angles one way or the other show targets above and below. The radar responds to sound and sight, so it is possible to stay totally off an enemy’s HUD.
- Sprint to cover and sprint when traveling large distances.
- Grenades: There is no grenade indicator so be careful. Grenades can be shot if you want them to explode out of your way. These projectiles don’t have much range, but they’re still good for clearing rooms.
- EVA makes you can easy target. It must be used strategically.
- Enter doors at angles to see more of what’s in front of you.
- Play the objective in Last Stand and help others play it too. Watch control points for campers and kill enemies while someone is hacking. You’ll get point rewards for all of it.
In its limited state, that’s everything you need to know about Star Marine in Star Citizen 2.6. We’ll add to this guide as the alpha updates.
Star Citize n is available now for backers on PC, and it includes access to Star Marine.
Were these tips helpful? What do you think of Star Marine and alpha 2.6 so far? Tell us in the comments section!