Star Citizen’s latest episode of Around The Verse was all about ships, marking the debut of the first concept ship of 2018, the Aegis Vulcan. For those looking for something a little closer to release, we also got more details on the Anvil Terrapin scheduled to launch alongside alpha 3.1.
Like many ships in the Star Citizen universe, the Vulcan is built around its functions. Contrary to most career craft, however, this one wears many different hats. It’s a starter for three passive jobs including refueling, repairing and rearming. To break things down even further, the Vulcan is basically the ideal space AAA service or a smaller version of the Reclaimer.

With its multi-profession focus, the Vulcan is the first of its kind. Given all the jobs it has to do, Cloud Imperium Games is filling its fairly small package with some pretty advanced tech. Its central feature is a series of four drones that can be used to assist in any of the ship’s three main occupations. Only two of these drones can be sent out at once, and they can only perform one task at a time. Switching from rearming to refueling, for example, requires sending the drone back in, reprogramming it and sending it out again.
Beyond drones, various amenities onboard the Vulcan make it a solid starter ship. It’s got a small cargo hold and an extended fuel tank, which makes it perfect for large support missions where you only need a few tools. Access to the ship’s three-person living quarters is granted via a hatch in the back. The living space is basic, but it’s good enough to be functional. On the outside, CIG has designed three different liveries so far.

If Star Citizen’s career system intrigues you but you haven’t decided on a job, the Vulcan is a great fit. You can reserve one during its concept sale that runs Feb. 22 through the end of March.
The Anvil Terrapin is long past the concept stage and has entered flight prep for inclusion in alpha 3.1. It’s an exploration starter ship, which means it’s durable, built for finding things and modest in design. Its scanner array is a highlight feature, and despite its heavy armor, it has no business being in offensive strikes.

To make that central purpose more defined, the Terrapin has two different types of thrusters. Maneuvering thrusters are for instantaneous boosts, while sustained thrusters keep it in the air. The complete thruster system won’t be in place for the Terrapin’s 3.1 launch, but there’s a lot to look forward to once those systems come online.
As CIG’s first walkable Anvil interior, the designers working on the inside of the Terrapin had lots of creative license to make an interesting design. Its current look emphasizes hexagons and 30-degree angles in a manner described as “Star Wars meets Aliens.” Its unique cockpit seat drapes over the player as each flight begins. When you’re ready to explore, the Terrapin is a nice choice.

We also got a quick update on several other ships and their current place in the pipeline. Here’s what we know:
- Constellation Phoenix: In the grey box phase at the high-poly modeling stage. Its exterior and interior are being fleshed out with geo-refined lighting tweaks. The fish tanks, screens, bar and hot tub are being incorporated.
- Anvil Hurricane: Close to wrapping up grey box on the art side. Tech setup will begin soon.
- Aegis Hammerhead: In the grey box phase with a focus on the interior. Its nose and main corridor layout are being designed using Idris parts. Specialized lips and signature turrets will make it unique.
- CNOU Mustang Rework: In the art grey box phase while the tech side prepares for white box
- Avenger Rework: In the final art phase where a new EMP room and landing gear are being worked on
- Flight Prep: The MISC Razor, Aegis Reclaimer, Tumbril Cyclone and Anvil Terrapin are still expected to debut alongside 3.1 in March.
For even more Star Citizen, tune in to Reverse The Verse at 11 a.m. EST. CIG Lead Systems Designer Dan Trufin will be on hand to talk about AI and its relation to gameplay.
Star Citizen is in alpha for backers on PC.
What did you think of this episode of Ship Shape? Are you happy with Star Citizen’s progress? Tell us in the comments section!