Star Wars Battlefront 2 alpha rumors began circulating earlier in the week when reddit’s CaptainPhantasma21 posted evidence of a now-deleted forum post where DICE community manager Mat Everett offered a bug report procedure for players. Now, Everett has taken to Twitter to deny that the described alpha exists.
For those who missed the full content of the post, it seemed to suggest an alpha for Star Wars Battlefront 2 might soon come to PS4, Xbox One and PC. In the event a bug had been found during the test, participants were instructed to describe the issue with optional steps on how to reproduce it. In terms of validity, everything looked carefully formatted and worded for a meaningful purpose. It also came directly from the right DICE staff member too.
Yet, despite that seemingly solid trail of evidence, Everett had a surprising answer when one fan said “I hear there’s going to be an alpha on all systems.” “You heard wrong,” Everett replied. When confronted further about the seemingly leaked thread, he added “nothing in my statement was a leak or factually wrong.”
So, if we’re to take Everett at his word, what might all of this mean? Our best guess is that the post doesn’t necessarily constitute a leak because it’s not related to something the general public will ever see. In other words, maybe Star Wars Battlefront 2 is currently in the midst of a closed cross-platform alpha under a very strict non-disclosure agreement. We haven’t seen any footage from the test because everyone involved is playing by the rules. After all, it would make sense for Everett to create a thread for something happening now as opposed to a future event. The post could be part of an ongoing test.
You heard wrong.
— Mat Everett (@sledgehammer70) June 27, 2017
That being said, it’s DICE’s past history with Star Wars Battlefront that has players thinking otherwise. Shortly before the first game’s release in November 2015, PC players were selected at random to participate in a closed alpha in July. Since that process seemed to work well last time, logic dictates that we could see a repeat performance this year. It should be noted, however, that Everett’s words don’t necessarily rule out that possibility. The “wrong” part of the source tweet could theoretically be that the alpha is slated for all systems. The public alpha could be PC-exclusive again.
Unfortunately, with the same source producing contradictory implications, it’s difficult to pinpoint what form the Battlefront 2 alpha will take if it happens at all. If it’s real, we’d imagine the content on display will essentially replicate the Assault On Theed demo shown at E3 earlier this month. If you want a deeper look at that particular vertical slice, be sure to read our complete hands-on impressions.
Star Wars Battlefront 2 comes to PS4, Xbox One and PC Nov. 17. If an alpha is in the works, we expect it to begin soon.
What are your thoughts on this Battlefront 2 alpha leak? Was it related to a public event, or is it just an internal test? Tell us in the comments section!
- Amazing story
- Gorgeous visuals and top-notch audio
- Multiplayer decisions ruin the fun
- Little reason to keep playing