'Star Wars: Episode 8' Plot Leak Reveals Rey Flashback Spoilers

General Hux and Kylo Ren confer as Captain Phasma stands guard in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
General Hux and Kylo Ren confer as Captain Phasma stands guard in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Lucasfilm

So far Star Wars: Episode 8 hasn’t been nearly as leaky as the Star Wars: The Force Awakens shoot, but that might soon change: Making Star Wars finally have some sources on the inside. Following up on rumors that Rey would experience additional Force flashbacks, similar to the vision she experienced in the basement of Maz Kanata’s castle, new leaks seem to point to some big spoilers when it comes to Luke Skywalker’s past.

The biggest leak seems to confirm that, as rumored, Kylo’s other Knights of Ren will be a big part of Episode 8. According to Making Star Wars, a number of adolescent kids will appear as padawans of Luke Skywalker in a vision of Rey’s. Yes, it looks like we’ll be witnessing more of the horrible massacre at Luke Skywalker’s new Jedi Temple, placing spree killing alongside patricide in Kylo Ren’s lengthening register of unforgivable crimes.

Throwing the Knights of Ren up against a bunch of padawans evokes the slaughter of the younglings by Anakin Skywalker toward the end of Star Wars: Episode 3 Let’s Just Pretend This Was A Better Movie. And while my interest in large-scale lightsaber action might be a little salacious — this sounds more like outright slaughter — this sequence could also be the largest scale lightsaber battle since Order 66. Assuming those adolescent padawan are armed, this flashback fight could include a whole lot of kyber crystal swordsmanship.

It’s a little hard to tell, but this picture from Star Wars: The Force Awakens shows seven Knights of Ren and over a dozen adorable kid corpses:

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Will we still be worried about the Knights of Ren when 'Star Wars: Episode X' rolls around in 2021? Lucasfilm

Since it’d be weird if Star Wars: Episode 8 had yet another lightsaber touch to activate Rey’s Force flashback, this leaked sequence could be Rey’s dream or an introduction of some new Force powers, as Luke projects a vision of the past into Rey’s mind.

However the leaked sequence appears on screen, it looks likely that Star Wars: Episode 8 will carry us into both the past and the future when it comes in theaters on Dec. 15, 2017.

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