Star Wars: Galaxy Of Heroes has been captivating mobile gamers for well over a year, but there are plenty of new Force users entering the fold. This guide is for them. While the systems can seem a little intimidating, here’s our best strategies for character farming, fast leveling and team selection.
Star Wars: Galaxy Of Heroes is a turn-based game where teams of up to five Star Wars heroes battle one another. The basic hook of the experience is collecting and leveling up the best heroes through random generation. Much like other card collecting mobile games, heroes are often doled out in tiered packs that you can pay for.
Here are the modes you can play:
- Light/Dark Side Battles : These battles are your basic campaign. Teams of five battle against AI across eight progressively difficult stages. Victory in each battle gives you gear to upgrade your character. Dark side battles unlock at player level 12. Teams must be all hero or all villain.
- Squad Arena : Here you face off against player squads in PvP. The battles are not live. Wins grant gear and increase rank. There are no team restrictions.
- Cantina Battles : These are like Light/Dark Side battles with no team restrictions. They are the best way to farm for characters with gear. It’s unlocked at level 28.
- Galactic War : It’s like the other mixed character modes. However, this time, the health you lose in each battle is lost for good. Knocked out characters don’t revive. You can only play once per day, but it grants access to higher-level rewards. The mode is unlocked at level 40.
For the purposes of this guide, we’re going to focus on things up to level 28.
The combat of Galaxy Of Heroes is actually really simple, so the tutorial does a good job of explaining it. With your earliest characters, you’ll be able to select from either a Basic or Special ability for each party member. The Basic can be used immediately, and the Special is on a cooldown timer. Just tap the icon to perform the move. If no characters die, you’ll be awarded a three-star victory. One death results in two stars and multiple deaths earns one star.

As you level up your heroes, with gear, you’ll gain access to Leader abilities and Unique abilities. Leaders offer a stat buff to the whole team, and Uniques are like Specials without cooldown.
There are several ways to make heroes stronger in Galaxy Of Heroes. Let’s recap them all.

- Use a training droid : You’ll often receive training droids from victory, and those can be applied with the bounty of Credits you’ll start with. At the character select screen, tap the one you wish to train and hit the Train button. You’ll see a list of applicable droids. Tap the one you want to use and hit train. This offers a standard stat buff as the character levels.
- Increasing Stars : Increasing stars promotes your character. Promotion offers a greater jump each time you level up. To promote, you must collect Shards for the character. To do that, tap the Find button at the bottom right. You’ll see which battles offer a chance to get the Shard you need. Keep playing those with the energy you have. Shards are often found in hard mode battles.
- Gear : Gear unlocks more abilities for your character. It’s won in battle and farmed the same way as Shards. Tap the small squares next to your character to find out which gear you need. Then, play the battles to get it. If you see a + sign, that means gear can be added or crafted. Always do so on the characters you want to use.
Characters are unlocked by collecting Shards. To find out which Shards a character needs, tap its locked icon in the character select menu. The Find button in the bottom right will tell you which battles may yield the right Shards.

Alternately, if you feel like spending money, buying packs from the store is always an option for those who dislike grinding. Some high-level players suggest buying just one Chromium pack to get a boost. However, others will tell you it’s totally possible to play for free if you’re patient.
For a game like Galaxy Of Heroes, the meta is constantly evolving. That being said, some of these suggestions may change. However, here are a few of the favorite players in critical roles. We hope to publish a more detailed tier list in the future with full explanations, but here’s a taste of it.
- Boba Fett
- Geonosian Soldier
- Jedi Anakin
- Admiral Akbar
- Aayla Secura
- Biggs Darklighter
- Sun Fac
- Stormtrooper Han
- General Kenobi
- Barriss Offee
- Jedi Councilar
When making a squad, you’re best off picking characters along these roles. In the character selection screen, use the filters to see which characters fall into each of these categories. If you’ve got a balanced offense with the ability to heal, you’ll wreck shop in the Arena.
Once you get a team you like, stick with it. Free players will never unlock all the characters, so just work towards one great squad with high-level gear.
- Crystals : Buy Cards, general shipments and recharge energy
- Credits : Train, promote and craft
- Cantina Credits : Buy items in Cantina shipments
- Energy : Used to play Light and Dark battles. It replenishes at three two-hour intervals. 12. p.m. to 2.p.m., 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. local time.
- Cantina Energy : Replenishes over time and needed to play Cantina Battles.
- Arena Tokens : Used to purchase Arena shipments
Here are some tips for players based on common questions.

- To level up fast, be sure to complete your Daily Activities at the main menu. Complete objectives in ways where you can get multiple done at once.
- Once you start leveling up, energy will be hard to come by. Use all your Crystals on energy refreshes instead of buying cards.
- Farming effectively mandates use of auto-play and SIM tickets. SIM tickets can be used on battles you’ve gotten three stars, and it instantly finishes the fight. Auto-play is accessed by hitting the play button in the top left of the battle screen. Use it to fight quickly on battles you know you can win.
- Replay every mission so you always get three stars. That way, you’ll be able to SIM every key fight as necessary.
- Don’t try to blast through the campaign missions. To get good at Galaxy Of Heroes, you must constantly grind your characters up. Eventually you’ll find that you’re wiping out opponents in battles that used to be tough.
- Join a guild to get more benefits from your allies. Check out the Galaxy Of Heroes subreddit to see who needs a guild.
Star Wars: Galaxy Of Heroes is available now as a free download on Android and iOS.
What do you think of the tips in this guide? What is your best squad combination right now? Tell us in the comments section!