'Star Wars: Rogue One' Character Details: New Major Villain Working for the Empire?

The cast of 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.'
The cast of 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.' Lucasfilm

We’re now into February, which means that we have to wait one less month until the premiere of the new Star Wars movie - Rogue One. The anthology spin-off is already the most-anticipated film of the year , but new rumors are starting to increase the hype with each passing day. Today, we look at the newest potential details regarding one of the characters in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

Back in 2014, with just about a year to go, we already had our first glimpse of Episode VII - The Force Awakens. The first teaser arrived at the end of November and introduced us to Rey, Finn, Poe Dameron, BB-8 and Kylo Ren. But now in 2016, with under a year ago, we still don’t know anything about the characters of Rogue One other than one cast photo and a slew of rumors . Unfortunately, we’ll still have to keep waiting for an official teaser trailer or magazine feature. However, our typically-reputable friends over at Making Star Wars have some insight on one of the new Star Wars villains.

Star Wars: Rogue One - New Villain?

A scene from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
A scene from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Lucasfilm

Editor-in-Chief Jason Ward discusses a possible new villain who apparently dons a cape, dangerous weaponry, and a super dope moniker. Take a look at how he describes the Rogue One character:

“There is a bad guy or person of some importance to the Empire. His main feature is a huge majestic white cape with a slit in the back. In the film there is a beautiful shot of this Imperial treading through a shallow body of water with said cape trailing him. The figure that wears it appears to be an older male. I’m told he has a badass sidearm and a really cool name. We’re fairly certain this is Ben Mendelsohn’s character but that’s not 100% or verified at this time.”

The report also states that our mystery villain is a “leader” and definitely not Grand Moff Tarkin. Other than that, there’s not much to dissect, but it is an intriguing look into a member of the Rogue One cast - if it’s actually true. Based off of the visual description of the scene and the character's wardrobe, he certainly sounds compelling. Hopefully he can make an appearance in the first Star Wars: Rogue One teaser, whenever the hell it comes out.

At least we know when the actual movie comes out! Rogue One: A Star Wars Story arrives in theaters on Dec. 16. Until then, what do you think of this potential antagonist? Let us know in the comment section below!

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