Now that a trailer has legitimately confirmed that Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is actually happening, fan reaction has gone into overdrive. From speculative rumors to trailer analysis to fan-made artwork, Rogue One hype is at an all-time high, and some are using their creativity to express their excitement.
A quick search through Twitter reveals dozens of fan-made Star Wars: Rogue One posters and artwork. The work ranges from Star Wars’ classic theatrical style one-sheets to entirely original creations. Regardless of their influences, many of these Rogue One posters are quite stylish and worthy of hanging in any fan’s home. Take a look at some of the best Star Wars: Rogue One fan-made posters, below:
"Plans" #Star Wars #RogueOne alternative poster: #fanart
— Kevin Tiernan (@JurassicKevin) April 12, 2016
Beautiful poster for @starwars Rogue One by @RolaRafal. View on our site here:
— Poster Spy (@PosterSpy) April 10, 2016
@philnoto !Rogue One poster @Cathessa1 @commander_hux @The1stBAT @TheSWU @MsLm_97 @kyloren_______ @kylux_ren #Rogue1
— JackPool™ (@JackPool_76) April 8, 2016
So I'm excited for Rogue One. Jyn Erso looks like a badass! #starwars #RogueOne #RogueOneTrailer #fanart
— Eric Neely (@ericneely) April 9, 2016
"Anthology Rogue One Tribute Poster" | by Colin ( #StarWars #RogueOne #fanart
— StarWars Art Gallery (@SW_ArtGallery) April 7, 2016
Rogue One Mockup Poster (@PosterPosse SW Tribute) | by @OrlandoArocena #StarWars #RogueOne #fanart
— StarWars Art Gallery (@SW_ArtGallery) March 28, 2016
Rogue One #StarWarsRogueOne #starwars #fanart #illustration @wesjanson99 @BoomyNation @wildwaterstu @Scifilife1
— Mark Austin (@BobaFettANHSE) April 8, 2016
Cool, right? For those who came for the art and don’t actually know much about Star Wars: Rogue One, here’s a quick refresher: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story takes place in between the events of Episode III and Episode IV, centering on a group of rebel soldiers attempting to steal the plans for the original Death Star - the same Death Star plans that Darth Vader was searching for in the beginning of A New Hope.
The film is directed Gareth Edwards and stars Felicity Jones in the lead role of Jyn Erso. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story arrives in theaters Dec. 16.