Any self-proclaimed Star Wars fan has heard the news by now: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story has been blown wide open with the publication of a visual guide that details new characters, technology and plot elements. It’s a massive revelation for the highly-anticipated film, which has remained surprisingly secretive thus far. There’s all sorts of neat info on Rogue One’s protagonist, Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones), her supporting cast of rebels and the types of vehicles and droids they’ll be working with throughout Star Wars: Rogue One. Perhaps the biggest uncovering, however, are details on Rogue One’s villains, which include one of the most famous in cinematic history -- Darth Vader.
Recall that Rogue One is set in between the period of Revenge of the Sith and the original Star Wars, or as the kids these days call it, A New Hope. With the exception of the Star Wars expanded universe (which isn’t even canon anymore) and the animated TV series Star Wars Rebels, this era of galactic history hasn’t been documented in great detail. This is kind of stunning considering that Darth Vader, one of the most feared Sith lords in Star Wars mythology, rose to prominence during this time. Disney deserves a pat on the back for including Lord Vader in its first ever Star Wars spinoff film, but specifics of his role in Rogue One remain (mostly) in secrecy. That’s definitely a smart marketing strategy, but the fans want to know: how will Darth Vader factor into Star Wars: Rogue One?

Before the above photo released, we actually had no legitimate confirmation that Darth Vader would feature in Star Wars: Rogue One. Technically, we still don’t, as Vader’s picture indicates he plays a role in the story but we have yet to physically see him on camera. Or have we? Perhaps it’s an audacious prediction, but we’re almost positive this still from Rogue One ’s trailer is an image of Darth Vader. Take a look:

First off, throughout the Star Wars universe, only Force-sensitive individuals wear this hooded robe. Secondly, remember this guy?

This is Anakin Skywalker’s default look during the time. He was rocking it as recently as the third act of Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. And Star Wars: Rogue One can’t take place long after that, timeline-wise.
Then there’s this, which we reported on several months ago:
According to Making Star Wars, “stunt suits have been built” for Darth Vader, suggesting Vader will be much more than a cameo in Rogue One. Making Star Wars cites storyboards that propose a number of different action maneuvers for Darth Vader. Some of these “pitches” include “decapitated rebels,” “people being dismembered by Vader throwing his sword” and “levitating bodies to make human shields.” The storyboard art is described as “more violent” than anything we’ve seen from Darth Vader in a Star Wars movie before.
And this:
The potential casting news comes by way of FlickeringMyth (h/t Making Star Wars). “Our sources are telling us that in fact British actor Spencer Wilding has been cast to play the body of Darth Vader in Rogue One ,” reads the report. “Our source also confirms that Wilding has been running lines while on set, so Darth Vader will have a speaking role in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.”
So, now that we can all agree that Darth Vader will make a physical, on-camera appearance in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, what role will he actually play in the anthology film? My guess is this: Director Krennic (Ben Mendelsohn), perhaps better known as the grimacing dude with the long, white robe, will feature as the main antagonist of Star Wars: Rogue One along with those evil Death Trooper motherfuckers. We’ll probably get half or two-thirds into the movie when Vader makes his appearance at last, making for a neat little twist that shakes up the final act. After all, no other character in Rogue One appears to be Force-sensitive or use a lightsaber, and Star Wars is not Star Wars without Jedi, Sith or lightsabers.
If that’s somehow wrong and Disney doesn’t include Darth Vader in Star Wars: Rogue One , then they’ve missed a huge opportunity. Simple as that.
We’ll find out for sure later this year when Star Wars: Rogue One arrives in theaters Dec 17. Questions? Concerns? Comments? Drop ‘em in the forum below.