Super Bowl Sunday has arrived and is garnering tons of hype for not only the game itself, but the precious movie trailers that air during the broadcast. Though there’s no specific reason to assume so, fans will be hoping to see a glimpse of the most anticipated film of the year - Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.
But since there’s no evidence suggesting that the first footage will be unveiled, we’ll have to continue seeking information the old-fashioned way: reading. The good folks over at Jedi News recently discovered an interview with Swedish supermodel Eunice Olumide, who has been cast as a rebel leader in Rogue One. Though the role is only a minor one with no spoken lines, Olumide was able to provide some insight into the production of Rogue One and even goes on to describe a specific scene. Take a look at report courtesy of the Edinburgh Evening News:
She said: “I did a small feature in Star Wars Rogue One. That was a really awesome experience. I don’t have lines but it was an incredible experience to be part of such an iconic film.
“I was originally supposed to play a nomad, but since I’m athletic I ended up playing a rebellion leader.
“There’s a small scene where I run and there’s a tank that comes after me with 20 stormtroopers. There’s loads of explosions.
“I kept getting a fright whenever the explosions went off.”
She said: “If my scene gets cut or not cut I was entered into the George Lucas Archives. I got into a 3D scanner and they did a scan.
“They scan all the characters so they can reproduce individual toys or computer games.
“I will be a toy. It was an amazing experience.”

It’s neat to appreciate Olumide’s excitement over being immortalized as a toy, but the key takeaway here is her description of a scene in Rogue One. She recounts a sequence in which chaos surrounds her, full of enemy soldiers, tanks and explosions. This seems to line up with claims that Star Wars: Rogue One won’t play out like the classic coming-of-age adventures that we all know and love, but rather a war film or “heist movie,” as director Gareth Edwards describes.
While some may not appreciate this new direction that the Star Wars franchise is taking, I, for one, am excited. This will mark a shift in the traditional space opera genre that we’re all familiar with, and take some truly risky chances. It’s certainly too early to tell, but it seems like Rogue One is going to be filled with much more violence and grit than in the past, creating a much darker tone to the film.
Hopefully we’ll get some actual footage and be able to decipher scenes like the above for ourselves. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story arrives in theaters on Dec. 16.