Developer Rocketwerkz has implemented a bunch of improvements in Stationeers Trading Update IV, now available on Steam. This patch includes a way for players to store gas and sell them to traders.
Two new landing pad modules have been added in Trading Update IV. These can be used by players to fill up their landing pad storage with gas and water so they can sell them to traders. Those who were clamoring for a way to sell gas can now do so with these new modules.

The latest patch for Stationeers also includes new trader types, which only sell basic goods rather than fully manufactured products. For instance, the Ore Trader sells ore and the Alloy Trader offers alloys for sale.
It is also worth noting that different traders will buy products from players that make thematic sense. The alloy trader, for example, doesn’t need more alloys. Instead, they will purchase ores from the player.
The game’s Trader UI received a visual overhaul as well, providing players with a much better trading experience. Specific tabs for buying and selling are present to make things more streamlined.

- Fixed Re-generating trader data during load could cause a ReferenceId clash. This step has been moved to after load is completed.
- Changed Moved re-registration step of loaded items that had a ReferenceId clash to after save has fully loaded.
- Fixed Calling a trader into land will stall and error out the interrogation of another trader. Thanks: Freeze (discord).
- Removed Debug logging on TraderShuttle.cs
- Changed TraderData hashing algorithm to be more robust.
- Added x100 mole to the custom names of all gas trades that deal with a modified quantity of 100
- Fixed mouse clicks not responding correctly on some objects after departing trader. Mouse state should now be reset correctly when closing trader window.
- Fixed added missing custom thumbnails for some sell data instances on trader ui
- Fixed Collision error on trader data Checksum.
- Fixed Null error on loading Motherboard.
- Fixed Refrigerated Vending Machine throws error when stacking plants.
- Fixed Refrigerated Vending machine not handling genetics data correctly when stacking or splitting stacks of plants.
- Fixed Incorrect material on Large Hanger Door buildstate0.
- Fixed NRE when getting custom colored thumbnails
- Fixed bug around selling consumables
- Added missing gamestring and fixed some missing icons on trade items
- Added CustomToolTipKey attribute to override tooltips on trade items when desired
- Added more generic consumable buys to various traders
- Added more flavor item requests from various traders
Stationeers Trading Update IV is now available on PC.