Street Fighter 6 Tips & Tricks for Beginners to Dominate Your Opponents

This beginner's tips and tricks guide for newcomers to Capcom's Street Fighter 6 will help players get comfortable with the basics to start learning more advanced tactics. Steam, Capcom

Street Fighter 6 is Capcom's latest entry in its highly popular fighting game franchise and newcomers can sometimes feel overwhelmed trying to get into the meta.

Fortunately, this beginner's guide helps players with some tips and tricks that will teach them how to get better and eventually dominate their opponents in matches.

Even if you've played a lot of fighting games before, diving into a new one is always a unique experience with various different mechanics and features.

Start With the Basics

While many players, especially newcomers to Street Fighter 6, are excited about pulling long, satisfying combos, focusing on these is a bad habit.

Instead of trying to memorize the sequences for these combos, try to first control the space between you and your opponent, according to IGN.

This advice may seem like it doesn't do much in the long run but it is actually a very important factor in matches. It is also incredibly difficult to master but is one of the essential things in getting more wins.

Master the Drive System

Street Fighter 6 features the Drive System that every playable character has, providing them with valuable offensive and defensive resources.

One example is the Drive Impact which can be used when your opponent is in the corner of the field and performing a move with a few hits.

You will go through their move and leave them in a vulnerable state that gives you an opportunity to do a follow-up. Be warned, however, that if you start spamming Drive Impact, you will most likely be left exposed to counters.

Finish Side Quests

In the campaign mode of Street Fighter 6, there are a variety of side quests that players can complete to earn various rewards. These are also a great way of leveling up and spending about an hour after unlocking them is a good way to start, said GameRant.

Advanced Techniques

Capcom's latest fighting game has some powerful advanced techniques that players should start to learn after they get comfortable with the basics.

One example of these is frame traps, which are powerful series of moves that will stun your opponents and then rebound with one more move after the stun ends.

Another useful technique to learn is zoning, which is a strategy that involves playing moves that will force your opponents to stay at a certain distance from your character.

This will limit their movement and also make it easier for you to land your own attacks, according to RedBull.

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