“Orange Is The New Black” Season 3 has been out for 24-hours. That is more than enough time for fans to have watched the entire season. The latest story of Litchfield Prison includes new babies, new relationships and many new back stories. There are also several moments that made our jaws drop.
Here’s our list of some of the most unbelievable moments of season 3. Despite this being a much lighter season with Vee dead (unfortunately Rosa has passed away too). There is more than enough drama to last you until Season 4.
When certain inmates develop a religion based on Norma
In Season 3, Norma’s story begins with her gaining a following of inmates who believe she performs miracles. Throughout the season Norma’s followers try to establish themselves as a religion, which goes through periods of zealousness and apathy. Norma goes along with it gain acceptance for herself, but the in the process was involved in the condemning and shunning of others.
When Pornstache’s mom wants to adopt Daya’s baby
In Season 3, we learn that Pornstache’s mom still believes he is the father of Daya’s baby and wants to be involved. Aleida tries to get money out of Mrs. Mendez, but what Daya really wants is a good home for her baby. Mrs. Mendez agrees to adopt the baby but Aleida tells her the baby died so that Daya can keep her (Surprise! It’s a girl).
When Flaca goes to jail for selling fake designer drugs
Flaca’s backstory begins with her wanting to make money selling drugs. She instead decides to make fake LSD blotters and sells them to kids at her school. At first the business seems lucrative, but Flaca gets arrested when a kid jumps off the roof of her school, having had a bad reaction to the blotters. Flaca tells the arresting offers exactly what happened, thinking it would clear her name, but it likely implicated her in the crime instead.
When Crazy Eyes writes an erotic fiction
Crazy Eyes writes a Sci-Fi erotica story called the “Time Hump Chronicles,” for a drama class. The new counselor, Berdie Rogers deemed the story too raunchy; however, but Taystee encourages Crazy Eyes to continue writing.
The story becomes a hit among the inmates. But when Crazy Eyes gets writers block, her notoriety dissipates. However, but she able to reconcile with Poussey, who she attacked in Season 2. She also gains an admirer of her ... work.
When Piper starts a panty smuggling business
When Litchfield becomes a private prison, several inmates get a special “high paying job,” which entails making panties for a brand called Whispers (It’s a sweatshop). Piper figures out that material is being wasted and begins making extra panties on the side for a business catering to panty sniffers, which she calls “Felonious Spunk.”
When Pennsatucky gets raped (Twice)
In Pennsatucky’s backstory, she meets a guy named Nathan with whom she quickly becomes close. But Nathan must soon move away. The two say their goodbyes at a party, and immediately after Nathan leaves, another guy named Abe accosts Pennsatucky in a bathroom and rapes her.
Fast-forward to the present and Pennsatucky gets raped once again, by one of the new correction officers, named Coates, with whom she thought she had a friendship.
When Sophia gets sent to the Shu
Sophia and Gloria are both having trouble with their sons throughout Season 3. Gloria sets up a deal with Sophia to get her son Benny to Litchfield for regular visits. But when Sophia believes Benny is a bad influence on her own son Michael, the two come to an impasse.
Soon, transphobic rumors begin spreading about Sophia. She is attacked by several inmates who intend to find out whether she had a penis. Later, several officers take Sophia to the Shu, on Caputo’s orders “for her own protection.”
When Soso overdosed
After several unsuccessful attempts to make friends Soso becomes depressed. She enlists Rogers as her new counselors, but soon regresses when Rogers is suspended, and attempts to commit suicide with several packets of stolen Benadryl.
Poussey finds Soso overdosed in the library and enlists the help of Taystee and Crazy Eyes to take care of her without alerting the prison staff. After that Soso gains acceptance from the group of black inmates; she and Poussey especially develop a connection.
When all the inmates escape to go play in the lake
During the “Orange Is The New Black” Season 3 finale, several inmates are in the yard unsupervised as two handymen replace a patch of broken fence. Norma notices the handymen have left the open space unattended and runs beyond the fence to a lake.
Other inmates begin to notice and also run to the lake to begin to play, still unsupervised. Because of the lake, the inmates would be unable to escape unless they swam across it, but none attempt.
Want more? Check out our full “Orange Is The New Black” Season 3 coverage.
‘Orange Is The New Black’ Recap And Spoilers: 9 More OMG Moments From Season 3