‘Fallout 4’ New Survival Mode Forces Players To Prepare Before Exploring Wasteland

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  • RPG
Fallout 4 Survival mode provides new challenges in the wasteland.
Fallout 4 Survival mode provides new challenges in the wasteland. Bethesda

Fallout 4 ’s new Survival mode challenges everything players have come to rely on in the game. Bethesda released new details about the new mode in honor of its PC beta launch. Manual saves, autosave and fast-travel are all disabled in survival mode. There’s no quick escape if you need one and getting wounded will slow you down significantly. Here’s what you need to master the new Survival mode, according to Bethesda .

Your health is important

Your health is the number-one priority in surviving the wasteland. In fact, Bethesda made sleep an integral part of Fallout 4 ’s Survival mode; if you want to save your game, you’ll need to find a bed. And if you want all the perks of sleep, you better find a dirty mattress because those cloth sleeping bags are basically useless.

You must also be wary of fatigue. You need to keep yourself hydrated with purified water, feed yourself and take the proper medications when you’re sick or wounded. That’s right, you can get sick in the game now. Eating certain foods can lead to illnesses that can only be cured by rest, antibiotics, or a doctor. Also, Rad Aways now have negative impacts on your immune system, so curing yourself of radpoisining makes you more susceptible to illness.

If you don’t take care of yourself, you'll begin to see your AP take a dive. You won’t be as quick in combat, which makes your more susceptible to injury.

Planning is vital to your survival

The carry weight for you and your companions is significantly reduced in the Survival mode. That’s right, your companions are more than just mules to carry around your junk. You should also think twice about carrying too much, or you’ll risk crippling your legs. You’re now forced to plan your explorations of the wasteland and strategically choose weapons, armor and items. You must also keep in mind where the nearest rest area is, or risk fatigue.

While we’re on the subject of companions, you can’t ignore them in combat situations. They’ll need Stimpacks to get back up once they’re wounded. If you abandon your injured companion, they’re return to their homes to rest up.

More loot and enemy encounters

You’ll find more enemies in the wasteland, and with that comes more loot, but slower repopulation. Bethesda wants you to keep moving in Fallout 4 if you want to encounter new enemies. You can’t stay in one spot and let them come to you.

For more information about the new mode, click here . The Fallout 4 Survival mode beta is available for PC players now on Steam .

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