Black Ops 3 Guide: How To Find All 56 Collectibles In This Year’s Call Of Duty Campaign

There are a surprising number of collectibles to obtain in Black Ops 3. Find out where to get every item you'll need for Black Ops 3's Curator achievement.
There are a surprising number of collectibles to obtain in Black Ops 3. Find out where to get every item you'll need for Black Ops 3's Curator achievement. Photo: International Digital Times

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 is finally on store shelves, closing out what could be the most popular trilogy in the franchise, and the early responses to this year’s Call of Duty seem to be mostly positive. We gave the game a 4 out of 5, thanks in part to the abundance of content, and now it’s time to focus on helping fans make the most of Treyarch’s latest first-person shooter.

To that end, we’ve put together a list of locations for all 56 collectables scattered throughout the Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 campaign. Unfortunately, the game’s lack of world map makes it a bit difficult to convey certain locations. But we’ve tried to make it as easy as possible to track down all of the items scattered among the game’s 11 story missions. And if anyone has any tips they’d like to share, to help their fellow Black Ops 3 players track down a specific item(s), we’d love to see you share them in the comments section.

Now, let’s track down all the items you’ll need to earn the “Curator“ achievement/trophy in Black Ops 3.

Mission 1 – Black Ops

  1. NRC Comms Earpiece – Early in the mission, players are asked to crawl under a downed aircraft. After making your way under the plane, players will find themselves in a building. The NRC Comms Earpiece can be found on a second floor desk, near a coffee cup.
  2. Dud RPG – Before checking security cameras, to locate the minister you’ve been sent to recover, you can find the Dud RPG in the corner of the security room.
  3. Egyptian Army Cap – Players will find the Egyptian Army Cap sitting on a shelf in the Observation Room where they’re asked to shoot several guards through the window
  4. Replica Nano Drone – Once inside the VTOL hangar, look for the entrance to a small room. The door is near the words HANGAR 04. Inside the room, players can find the Replica Nano Drone in a crate sitting in the corner of the room
  5. VTOL Panel – Before getting into the APC with your team, take a quick peek around the garage. You should find the VTOL panel on a workbench up against the wall.

Mission 2 – New World

  1. Defective Robot Hand – Near a spilled vat of acid, in the large room next to the area where players are asked to blow up a generator
  2. Bomb Detonator Cap – In the train station, near the top of an escalator. Look for the Bomb Detonator Cap near several trashcans
  3. Model Maglev Train – Head down to the basement of the train station. The Mode Maglev Train can be found on a metal shelf at the back of the room
  4. Premium Liquor – The Premium Liquor can be found during the train sequence, on train cart C4. Check behind the bar with the robot bartender.
  5. Train Pass – After being attacked by robots, head up the stairs and check the second floor seats for the Train Pass

Mission 3 – In Darkness

  1. Broken Respirator – After your first Warlord encounter, head into the decrepit store with the red sign. You should find the Broken Respirator waiting on a shelf behind the counter.
  2. Urn With Incense Sticks – Once you reach the river, hop down into the water and follow it to the back of the building. Hop over the fence and grab the Urn with Incense Sticks off the ground.
  3. Child’s Toy – After the train station floods, head down two escalators, through the seaweed and look for the Child’s Toy sitting on a bench
  4. Warlord Helmet – Players will find the Warlord Helmet inside the police station. Check the closet in the waiting room at the back of the station.
  5. Fu Dog Figurine – Just before activating the Comms Relay, head back outside the office building. Head into the skyscraper on your right, take the stairs to the top of the building and then jump to the skyscraper positioned across from you. Continuing heading up and you’ll find the Fu Dog Figurine in the second room on the top floor.
  6. Therapy Session Recording – Once you reach the operations building, head inside and you’ll find the Therapy Session Recording waiting a on a desk on the left side of the room.

Mission 4 – Provocation

  1. Gangsta Bling – The first collectible in Provocation can be found in the garage players see while traveling to Cloud Mountain. You’ll find the Gangsta Bling on a generator inside the garage.
  2. Supertree Souvenir – Once you reach the marketplace, keep your eyes peeled for a red and blue neon sign. The Supertree Souvenir can be found resting on a table nearby.
  3. Dud Slave Collar – After crossing the canyon, look for a building with a red panel. Players will find the Dud Slave Collar on a workbench inside the building.
  4. Antique Vase – Once you’ve killed the next Warlord, remain in the container storage area. The Antique Vase can be found on top of a blue container to the right of the locked door.
  5. Mineral – The Mineral might be one of the easiest objects to miss, only because it doesn’t look like something you’d actually want to take as a trophy. Look for the bright red Mineral in a display case on the top floor of the 54i server building.
  6. Bullet Shell Necklace – After using the Z-Trak to zip from one tree-top structure to the next, take the bridge on your right and follow the stairs up one floor. The Bullet Shell Necklace will be sitting on a crate, not far from an ammo box.

Mission 5 – Hypocenter

  1. 54i Data Pad – Near the edge of the jungle, look for a path to a small campsite. The 54i Data Pad can be found sitting on a crate near the tent.
  2. Contamination Test Kit – After entering the Coalescence building, take the hallway on the left side of the lobby and follow it to the end. The Contamination Test Kit is on a metal table.
  3. Coalescence Marketing Material – Once you reach the bottom of the core, check the small building with the conference room to find Coalescence Marketing Materials on a coffee table.
  4. Bio-Containment Canister – After you find the blue Spicorpus logo, head into the room on the other side of the wall and you’ll find the Bio-Containment Canister waiting on the floor.
  5. E-Ink White Board – Once you reach the lab, head past the skeleton-filled pods to find the E-Ink White Board sitting on a desk at the back of the room.
  6. Prototype DNI Implant – After leaving the room where you fight robots who emerge from the water, look for a door on your right. Inside that room, you’ll find the Prototype DNI Implant waiting under a Coalescence monitor

Mission 6 – Vengeance

  1. Damaged Optical Camo Cloak – Right after the mission starts, head down the alleyway on your left. Make another left and follow the alley until it dead ends. The Damaged Optical Camo Cloak can be found on the ground, near the doorway with plastic curtains.
  2. Bio-Luminescent Orchid – In the final section of the garden area, players will find the Bio-Luminescent Orchid among a group of other plants. Just watch for the turqouise glow.
  3. HCXD Bomb Sniffer Robot – After defeating the NRC tank, head through the resulting hole in the wall and grab the HCXD Bomb Sniffer Robot off the ground
  4. Dragon Necklace – On your way to find Kane, who’s taken refuge in the panic room, keep your eyes peeled for a red couch in a burning room. You should find the Dragon Necklace on a nearby coffee table, relatively close tom the mission objective

Mission 7 – Rise & Fall

  1. NRC Helmet – As soon you get control of your character, retrieve the NRC Helmet from the computer desk near Kane and Hendricks
  2. Broken Stained Glass – After surviving the first ambush, take the escalator up to the next floor, find the server room and and head to the back to find the Broken Stained Glass on a desk
  3. Defiled NRC Propaganda – Right after retrieving the spike weapon, given to players after the car ride sequence, head through the gate and check the left wall for the Defiled NRC Propaganda
  4. Military Officer’s Sword – As you head towards Safiya Square, keep an eye out for an upper-rigth path that leads directly into a cluster of buildings. The sword can be found in a bookshelf in the final house, near a green couch and overturned coffee table.
  5. Piece of Broken Statue – Before you open the downed VTOL, check the right side of the room to find the Piece of Broken Statue waiting on a chair
  6. Etched Glass Bottle – After the second big battle with the robots, head into the building on the right side of the battlefield, make your way up to the second floor and grab the Etched Glass Bottle off couch near the elevators

Mission 8 – Demon Within

  1. Shell Casing – You’ll find the Shell Casing in a small bunker, near the first Mobile Armory
  2. Field Radio – As you make your way up the hill, covered in machine gun emplacements, check the nest on the left to find the Field Radio
  3. Field Binoculars – After your first encounter with the wolves, look for the Field Binoculars on a crate near ammo resupply station.
  4. Russian Field Compass – As you continue to make your way through the level, watch for a two-story barn that can be entered by the player. The Russian Field Compass can be found on the second floor, near a small window.
  5. Russian Hat – Players will find the Russian Hat tucked inside a small brick house on the final battlefield before you reach Sarah Hall. The hat can be found on a desk inside the house.
  6. Gramophone Record – After destroying the tank, head into the bombed out building. You should find the Gramophone Record waiting on a bookcase in a small room at the back

Mission 9 – Sand Castle

  1. Postcard – After landing on the first platform, head into the watchtower (guarded by a pair of soldiers) and grab the Postcard off the desk
  2. Industrial Drill Bit – After landing on the second platform, turn to your left and head between the two buildings to find the Industrial Drill Bit on the ground, near crates and other clutter.

Mission 10 – Lotus Towers

  1. Hamsa – Right after the start of the level, head into the the convenience store on your left and grab the Hamsa off the wall near the yellow poster
  2. Taylor’s Insignia – After you finish navigating the ventilation system, check the lockers on the left side of the room to add Taylor’s Insignia to your collection
  3. Hookah – Head up the blue-ish escalator, near the area where you hacked the mech, and grab the Hookah off a desk at the back of the office.
  4. Wall Hung Carpet – Before following Hendricks into Tower Two, turn around and follow the rubble to a rooftop area. The Wall Hung Carpet can be found on the ground near a pair of air conditioners
  5. Decorative Lantern – As you make your way through Cairo, watch for a red room where several Talon drones spawn from. Head inside and find the Decorative Lantern on the floor.
  6. Melted Robot Part – Before taking down Taylor, check the destroyed building nearby to find the Melted Robot Part amongst the rubble

Mission 11- Life

  1. Coalescence Promo Poster – The Coalescence Promo Poster can be found at the start of the mission, on the wall of a nearby coffee shop.
  2. Prototype Robot Part – Before hacking the computer, make sure you grab the Prototype Robot Part from the nearby computer desk
  3. Fulgarite – Once the dream sequence begins, wait until you reach an area with two destroy buildings. Head to the top floor of the left building to find the Fulgarite.
  4. Raven Feather – You’re on a bit of a time crunch for this one. When the word “Purging” appears on your screen, begin exploring the office until you find the Raven Feather on a desk near the Coalescence sign. Just make sure to grab it before the system finishes rebooting.

Be sure to check back with and follow Scott on Twitter for more Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 coverage throughout the rest of 2015 and for however long Treyarch continues to support Black Ops 3 in the months following launch.

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