What cosplayer doesn’t love seeing a classic female hero like Wonder Woman brought to life by a fellow artist? Cosplay girl Rachel Grey shares with iDigitalTimes her latest interpretation of the all-American hero along with some inspiring advice for new cosplayers.

The details of Grey's costume include a breastplate, shin guards, crown, and cuffs handcrafted out of Worbla. The sword is made of wood and the shield of foam and paper mache. The photographs were shot by Sergio Mazzotta.
“I've always admired Wonder Woman and all that she had to go through just so people would see her for the amazing super hero she is,” Grey wrote in a Facebook post about the costume. “This was one of my favorite costumes I’ve made and my second attempt at working with Worbla.”
All parts of the costume were custom made by Grey herself who has been involved in cosplay for the last three years. She also has a background working in theatre.
!["There’s always going to be something that isn’t working out as you're making [your costume]. Just be patient and keep working. There’s always a way around the problems you face," says Grey to new cosplayers.](https://d.player.one/en/full/122976/theres-always-going-something-that-isnt-working-out-youre-making-your-costume-just.jpg?w=736&f=78f405569ae415418d9d18b54ad14271)
“The hardest part of making this costume was the breastplate,” Grey told iDigitalTimes. “I had made one previously for my Gamora cosplay that was ‘OK’ but I wanted this one to be perfect so I had to do some reimagining … I definitely put my heart into that breastplate.”
Grey has showcased her Wonder Woman costume in a variety of prominent places including citywide promos and children’s events in Windsor, Canada.
For newbies just getting into the cosplay scene, Grey offers some advice worthy of Wonder Woman herself.
“There’s always going to be something that isn’t working out as you're making it. Just be patient and keep working. There’s always a way around the problems you face. Figure out the solution and don’t worry if it’s not perfect the first time,” she said. “We all gotta start somewhere. If you want to make a better one later, go for it!”
You can see the complete set of Rachel Grey’s Wonder Woman cosplay costume at her Facebook page. You can also follow her on Tumblr, Twitter and the Cosplay Amino App for iOS or Android as RachelGreyCosplay.
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