It doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to figure out where Jon Snow’s storyline is going in Game of Thrones season 5. Annoying book readers like me know that [BIG SPOILER ALERT] Jon Snow’s going to eat snow at the end of this season. He’s going to bite it; his own men will turn against him based on his scandalous actions. Actually, his own boy will turn against him. That little kid is going to kill Jon Snow.
Game Of Thrones Season 5 Spoilers: The Hero Who Will Kill Jon Snow Is Just A Little Boy
So we here at iDigitalTimes have already talked about how Olly, the little boy whose family was killed by wildlings, is a threat to Jon Snow. I’m going to take it one step farther: That little kid is definitely going to kill Jon Snow. It’s practically a fait accompli. He telegraphed it pretty hard, after all, especially when Sam talked about making difficult decisions, decisions that other people don’t necessarily like or agree with. Olly sees Jon Snow as a dire threat to the North, or to himself… or, at the least, he sees the Wildlings as an incredible threat and Jon’s newfound friendliness with them as nothing less than treason.
So he’s going to turn against Jon Snow, and kill our favorite Lord Commander, probably in the very last scene of Game of Thrones season 5. But I wouldn’t worry too much about it, even though we’ll be left wondering for almost a full year about the results. Because Jon Snow isn’t just going to fall back and die. Yea, he’ll die all right, but then he’ll go ahead and do other things.
Remember the Stark direwolves? Specifically Ghost? I do, because Ghost was in the last episode, and that’s as long as my memory extends. Ghost was there for a reason: To remind us that he exists, has a very close relationship with Jon, and is the latter’s warg. Because when Jon dies… Ghost and Snow will get very friendly indeed. Standard operating theory is that, upon Jon Snow’s death at the end of Dance With Dragons, he wargs into Ghost, and Melisandre will return him to his old body at some point in the near future—but not without demanding something in return, surely. We shall see. So don’t worry too much when that little kid tries to save Westeros and the Night’s Watch by killing Jon Snow—he’ll succeed, but it won’t take.