Pocket Mortys, the new Rick and Morty game for Android and iOS is all about collecting and battling Mortys, like a simpler Pokémon… with more burping. But while Pocket Mortys features 82 multidimensional variations on Morty, I was surprised to find almost as much variety among the Ricks.
The plot of Pocket Mortys begins with a visit from Mysterious Rick:

It seems Mortys and Ricks are getting split up all across the multiverse. Ricks being Ricks, the potential to accrue a Morty army is tempting enough that an entire Pokémon trainer mentality emerges across dozens of dimensions. Believing themselves the arbiters of all things Rick, the Council of Ricks take control of the new Morty underground.

Time to prove yourself the Rickest Rick (at least until C-137 Rick shows up).
While multidimensional duplicates have always been a big part of Rick and Morty, checking out transdimensional Ricks is more exciting than meeting yet another disposable Morty. Here’s some of the wubba-lubba-dub-dubbiest Ricks we’ve encountered in Pocket Mortys so far.
A Field Guide To 'Pocket Mortys' Many Ricks
Although Ricks tend toward perspicacity, not every Rick can be the most brilliant Rick. Super Fan Rick is a particularly sad example. What self-respecting Rick would worship Mortys?

All sorts of other defective Ricks are on display, wandering about the Citadel of Ricks in Pocket Mortys.
There are the subservient Guard Ricks of the bureaucratic Rickocracy (last seen in Rick and Morty Season 1 episode “Close Rick-Counters of the Rick Kind”).

The Surgeon Rick.

And every possible Rick hairstyle imaginable, including the sad sight of a bald Rick without his signature jagged hedgehog cut.

In a society of Ricks, every rung on the social ladder, even the slacker and the hardened street tough, is necessarily a Rick.

Many multidimensional Ricks embody weaknesses that Rickier Ricks would never succumb to.

But the rarest of all may be Happy Rick.

Yes, you should’ve caught on to the Pokémon motif by now, but just in case, the first boss of Pocket Mortys is the Ash-like Bubble Gum Rick (As Michael notes in the comments, the bosses are random. I fought Flat-Top Rick on my second playthrough).

For all the fervor over pocket Mortys, I’ll always prefer a good ol’ multidimensional variant Rick. Pocket Mortys is available now for Android and iOS. It’s got some annoying micropayment elements, but is otherwise completely free.