‘Game of Thrones’ Season 6 Spoilers: Massive 'A Song Of Ice And Fire' Fan Poll Reveals Most Plausible Plot Theories

First Game of Thrones season 6 promotional image of Jon Snow.
First Game of Thrones season 6 promotional image of Jon Snow. HBO

Game of Thrones fan site Watchers On The Wall has polled the readership of the largest Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice And Fire (the book series on which Game of Thrones is based) fan sites on the biggest plot spoilers ahead for the landmark series. The poll—which unites reader responses from Reddit, Westeros.org, Tower of the Hand, Watchers on the Wall, and the A Song of Ice and Fire Facebook page—provides a fascinating, systematic look at the fan theories most likely to become plot spoilers come Game of Thrones Season 6 and The Winds of Winter.

So what, according to the fans, can we expect from the plot of upcoming Game of Thrones seasons and novels? You can check out the complete response breakdown at Watchers on the Wall, but here are the biggest plot spoilers that A Song of Ice and Fire fans believe lie ahead.

A Song Of Ice And Fire Fan Theory Poll

- Game of Thrones Season 6 Spoilers Ahead (Maybe)

Jon Snow’s Parents

Still dead. Same dead Jon Snow eyes. Dead dead dead.
Still dead. Same dead Jon Snow eyes. Dead dead dead. HBO

If you’ve been paying any attention to Game of Thrones fan theories, than the results here shouldn’t be a surprise. Massive majorities—over 90% of respondents at every polling site—believe R+L does indeed equal J.

According to fans, Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, both casualties of Robert’s Rebellion, are Jon Snow’s real parents.

Is Tyrion A Targaryen?

You win some, you love some, Tyrion.
You win some, you love some, Tyrion. (Photo: Fscebook / Game Of Thrones)

While there is enough evidence of Jon Snow’s parentage that R+L=J could hardly be considered mere fan theory, the question of Tyrion’s parentage is a little more of a reach. Is it possible that Mad King Aerys shtupped Joanna Lannister, Tywin’s wife? Is Tywin’s resentment toward his dwarf son more than just resentment toward Tyrion for killing his wife in childbirth?

Is Tyrion Lannister actually a secret Targaryen and half-brother to Daenerys?

According to those who have looked at the evidence most closely… No. That said, this fan theory behind Tyrion’s parentage was controversial, with some narrow majorities denying the likelihood of Tyrion as the son of “Mad King” Aerys II.

Who Is The Prince That Was Promised?

Melisandre is just one member of a religion that's likely to play a big role in 'Game of Thrones' Season 6.
Melisandre is just one member of a religion that's likely to play a big role in 'Game of Thrones' Season 6. HBO

According to the followers of R’hllor the legendary hero Azor Ahai would return, hence the Red Priests and Priestesses penchant for backing various Westeros power players in an effort to get in on the Azor Ahai ground floor. But with Melisandre’s preferred candidate, Stannis Baratheon, experiencing some serious adversity (mortally so, according to HBO’s Game of Thrones), who else might be the reborn hero?

Most A Song of Ice and Fire fan sites gave a plurality of their votes to Jon Snow, with more than half the votes split between a bevy of less likely candidates like Jorah Mormont, Jaime Lannister, Davos Seaworth, Victarion Greyjoy, and Daenerys Targaryen.

If Azor Ahai isn’t Jon Snow, then most Game of Thrones fans seem to prefer either “There is no Azor Ahai Reborn” and “Many different characters will be Azor Ahai Reborn or reflect Azor Ahai’s legendary characteristics.”

Has The North Been Conspiring To Crown Jon Snow?

Will the fan theory known as “The Grand Northern Conspiracy” (laid out in obsessive detail here) prove true? This is a complicated fan theory for the future plot of A Song of Ice and Fire novels, but could prove the mechanism by which the North rallies together against the White Walkers.

“The Grand Northern Conspiracy” posits a secret document left behind by Robb Stark and dutifully followed by his bannermen. This last will legitimizes Jon Snow as a Stark and lays the groundwork for a North united in loyalty behind the resurrected Jon Snow. But is it a likely direction for the plot of Game of Thrones Season 6 or just wishful thinking?

A Song of Ice and Fire fans were convinced that there’s something to “The Grand Northern Conspiracy” fan theory, though most respondents believe it will prove only partially true, rather than a direct template for spoilers to come.

According to Watchers on the Wall, there’s much more to come from its massive fan poll.

Fan theories are by their nature ragged and uncertain. Often the product of eccentric deep reads, wishful thinking and narrative second-guessing, fan theories are more likely to be wrong than right. But with every beloved series a few fan theories rise to the top, buoyed by a combination of plausibility, research, and intrigue. Whether any of these Game of Thrones fan theories come true (some feel inevitable at this point), this massive fan poll represents fandom’s best guess at what’s in store.

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