Star Wars: The Force Awakens will alter the mundane world: inspiring new generations of science fiction fans, rippling the world economy, and minutely altering the direction of millions of lives.
But is that enough? Or should we anticipate such a major world event piercing the veil of the day-to-day and signaling forces beyond the realms of science and our simplistic cosmologies?
For a certain mindset everything is enveloped in the conspiracy, holistic concatenations unfolding as the mystic symbolism of Star Wars: The Force Awakens- hits our eyes with all the force of revelation.
The conspiratorial mindset is a powerful paper bag huff for its adherents, even (or especially) when it looks silly to the world of blue pill, sleepwalking sheep. Here’s what some of them are thinking as the Thursday release date for Star Wars: Episode 7 The Force Awakens draws near.
Our World Is The Star Wars Empire
In an r/Conspiracy post entitled “The Conspiracy Is Really Obvious Now” Redditor poptart_fiend describes the heady empowerment that the conspiratorial view of history confers upon its adherents:
“ I am curious if others feel like this. I walk around fully aware I am in a controlled tax farm. Kind of like being in the Middle Ages or something. Sure this farm (called the USA) is preferable to North Korea, Inc. or China, Inc., but most of my work and energy and money is still taken from me and funneled up the pyramid. This is frustrating. However, I do feel a lot more free now that I have a better understanding of what's going on. My health and focus are much improved and shit seems a lot more epic, like I'm in Star Wars or something, walking around the empire. Finally, I have no urge to argue with people about conspiracies, since it all seems pretty obvious. ”
The prospect of an easy villain is tempting for anyone.
Star Wars Is Not Science Fiction
No, this isn’t an argument about whether to categorize Star Wars as fantasy and sci-fi (though Star Wars has enough wizards, swords, magic, and prophecy to straddle the line). Instead, it’s the widespread belief in UFO-centric conspiracy circles that the Star Wars movies got nothing on the secret—possibly alien—tech the government’s keeping from us.
Here’s military writer Jim Goodall quoting unnamed Area 51 employees as saying “We have things that would make George Lucas envious” and “we have things that are better than Star Trek, better than anything you can see in the movies.”
You can decide for yourself whether his quotes are hyperbolic, manufactured, or, as one online conspiracy theorist would have it: “The government has an active interest in propagating the idea of aliens colluding with them, it's all a clever ruse to deceive people into believing that humans are incapable of things like manipulating the weather. ”
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Is A Jewish Plot
Also a bunch of racist stuff
There’s nothing right-wing conspiracy theorists love more than an opportunity to turn social justice terms back on the Left, which is how you get articles about “the very white Star Wars being culturally appropriated by the Jewish J.J. Abrams.” It honestly just gets worse from there. If you don’t know about the right-wing, racist conspiracy term “cuck” than you’re a happier person than me. Don’t look into it.
New Jew-Made Star Wars Film Appears to Contain “Anti-Nazi” Themes
— Rock Bottom (@OinomaosOGadari) December 14, 2015
whites cant claim starwars? are you serious. You self hating cuck
— #WhiteGirlsAreMagic (@moon_droid) October 19, 2015
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Heralds The Coming of Christ
Plus those pesky End of Days
Is Rey “the woman of the Bible” and the Star Wars logo a pyramid pointing at a fighter jet (that is also the Millenium Falcon) on the cover of The Economist that will take all the souls to heaven? Did the spiritual realms fix a football game in order to make it obvious to everyone that Star Wars: The Force Awakens has encoded in it the name of God?
Nuh Uh, Star Wars: The Force Awakens Heralds The Coming of The Antichrist
Okay, this Star Wars: The Force Awakens conspiracy video isn’t even trying:
But this guy is the second conspiracy theory YouTuber in this list to act like Star Wars: The Force Awakens and The Matrix are somehow identical movies with the same mystical resonance. Here it’s argued that Star Wars warns us about the Antichrist’s Force powers.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Is About The Knight’s Templar And Their Coming Apocalypse
Katy Perry, the British royal family, the Masons, and Star Wars: The Force Awakens are all warning us of the End Times.
This guy also interprets the Millennium Falcon as the transport that will carry the souls of the righteous to Heaven.
The Death Star Is Real
THE BEST understandings of human origin and where good/evil comes from. Robert Morning Sky tells the stories...
— Rhowan Dawn Hinrichs (@RhowanDawn) November 17, 2015
Robert Morning Sky is a speaker popular in UFO circles for his story, which sounds like Scientology with a whole lot more Star Wars thrown in. Various galactic empires have been fighting over Earth for thousands of years. You can read the full story here, but yes, there are Death Stars and yes a ragtag group of fighters takes one on in a massive space battle. If you have a spare three hours, here’s Robert Morning Sky telling his history of the galaxy, explicitly likening events to Star Wars plot points:
So how did Star Wars manage to mirror real galactic history so closely? Well, the aliens implanted the idea of the Death Star in George Lucas’ head so that people like Robert Morning Sky would look foolish when they brought it up.
Star Wars: The Conspiracies Awaken
This is only the beginning. We are living in an age where conspiracy theories are more infectious than ever. After Star Wars: The Force Awakens premieres to the world we’ll soon be told—by very earnest souls—what exactly the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg Group have to do with it.