Fallout 4 Settlement Guide: The 9 Fixes Bethesda Should Update First

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  • RPG
The settlement system in Fallout 4 is both the best and worst new feature.
The settlement system in Fallout 4 is both the best and worst new feature. Bethesda Softworks

Both the best and worst new feature added to the Fallout series in Fallout 4 is the Settlements system. Robust enough to feel like a full game, the Settlements of Fallout 4 is often frustrating precisely because it doesn’t live up to its own promise enough.

Still, because settlements are so integral to the gameplay of Fallout 4 it’s a game mechanic we can expect to grow with the game. Whether through official Bethesda updates or Fallout 4 mods (which Bethesda promises will be pushed to PS4 and Xbox One), settlements will change and grow. Here are the changes the Fallout 4 settlement system needs as soon as possible.

Fallout 4 Settlement Guide

What We Want In The Next Update

Fallout 4 Settlement Fix: God’s Eye

There is no greater pain in the ass in Fallout 4 than assigning settlers to tasks like farming, defending, and soldering scavenging stations for no reason. Not only do you have to track down your settlers—who love hiding in bizarre places—but then you have to run to their assignment. Plus, there’s no way to tell if they’ve already been assigned to something else!

Give us a page in the Pip-Boy, or even on the settlement Workshop menu, with all the pertinent settler data. Let us see their assignments, dole out assignments, and rename them after our farts and genitals.

Or better yet, give us a god’s eye view and let us develop our Fallout 4 settlement like we’re playing a hard-scrabble, radiation-soaked Rollercoaster Tycoon.

Fallout 4 Settlement Fix: A Reason To Care

After a while rescuing settlements and being handed endless radiant rescue missions gets real old. There are a number of ways Fallout 4 could make us care more. What about letting us name our settlers? Or give them team jerseys? Or even allow us to assign more named NPCs from the Commonwealth to our settlements.

Fallout 4 Settlement Fix: Shared Workshop Inventories / Fixed Supply Lines

The best fix would be to alter the Local Leader Perk so that all settlement workshop inventories are shared. Simple.

Should that be too radical a change then something needs to be done about supply lines. Currently sharing stuff between workshops entails assigning one of your settlers to liaise between their home settlement and another. It sounds simple, but can be disastrous when combined with Fallout 4’s lack of settler data. If your supply lines are anything like mine, you’re Fallout 4 map has become a spiderweb of criss-crossing nonsense.

Fallout 4 Settlement Fix: Clip Everything

If Fallout 4 is happy letting me build skyscrapers supported by nothing, why can’t my jagged fences so much as touch? We shouldn’t need elaborate workarounds like this:

Fallout 4 Settlement Fix: Let Us Cheat

I want cheat codes for unlimited resources. After a certain point running out for more junk to build beds for ungrateful settlers stops feeling worth it. Once we’re far enough in the game—perhaps after the campaign has been won—provide an easier way to spawn or accrue junk resources.

Fallout 4 Settlement Fix: Lighten the Junk Load

If letting us spawn whatever resources we want is too big an ask, how about making junk weigh less so we can carry more home to our settlers? It’s fantastic that everything is useful in Fallout 4, but it sucks how instantly you can become overburdened after even the smallest raider battle.

Another option could be to buff scavenger stations so they actually produce a lot of useful junk.

Fallout 4 Settlement Fix: Companion Markers

Ever click too impatiently when dismissing a Fallout 4 companion and fire them off to some remote backwater settlement you never visit? I still can’t find my Fallout 4 save’s Nick Valentine. How about showing us on the map which settlement we’ve banished our settlers to?

Fallout 4 Settlement Fix: Less Communism

Build a bunkhouse for your settlers and a mansion for yourself and you’ll still find those peasants all up in your fancy bed. Being able to designate certain parts of your settlement “mine” would be great.

Fallout 4 Settlement Fix: More, More, More

This isn’t so much a fix as a testament to how much fun settlement building in Fallout 4 can be when you ignore the limitations and bugs. As it stands, the maximum number of settlers you can have is tied to your Charisma (base 10 + Charisma number). More! Also, where are windows! Mooooooore!

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