A number of new UFO videos from around the world have been posted online in the past few days. The 2015 videos capture UFO sightings from such disparate locations as San Diego, Nepal, and the Philippines. The latter two UFO sightings even share a similar UFO design, with video showcasing triangular UFOs with lights at each vertice and a larger light at the center.
UFO News 2015: Sightings Video
First up is an April 2015 UFO sighting captured on video in the Philippines:
there's a ufo sighting in pampanga philippines fuck
- lea (@rnbniaz) May 4, 2015
UFO video from Nepal supposedly captures a sighting on the day before the devastating earthquake that claimed more than 7,000 lives.
Finally, an April 2015 UFO sighting in San Diego resulted in the following video:
UFO Terrorizes San Diego With Series Of Slow Blinks http://t.co/0QnF2FcNvQ
- 11H48™ [Geek Lab] (@11h48) May 4, 2015
San Diego UFO! Best Footage Ever? Project Bluebeam? Groundbreaking Video... https://t.co/tn8xN3kDMn ...it's time, grab your stuff
- Mosley Sane (@aphotichorsley) May 4, 2015
While all of these videos would seem to capture an anomalous pattern of UFO lights, there’s one critical flaw in all of the videos that suggest that we’re looking at terrestrial, rather than extraterrestrial, phenomena.
2015 UFO Sightings Video: The Critical Flaw
Each of these three 2015 UFO sightings captured on video show stationary craft. This isn’t necessarily damning in and of itself, since a big characteristic of UFO aircraft is the capacity to hover in silence before jetting off at impossible speeds or with impossible maneuvers. However, each of these three videos begin and end with the UFO in the same position. Seeing the UFO craft move or vanish would heighten the evidentiary value immensely.
Doesn’t it seem likely that these people took video of their UFO until they realized they weren’t looking at a craft at all and gave up? In the case of the 2015 San Diego UFO sighting that seems to be exactly the case, with analysis after the fact settling on hilltop radio tower lights as the most likely suspect.
The video in the Philippines, which appear to show the lights slowly fading out, would suggest fire or some other exhaustible source of fuel as the primary source of the light. Some stationary set of lights, perhaps on a distant hilltop (Mount Arayat would seem to be a prime candidate for the Filipino UFO sighting), seem like a reasonable explanation for the UFO sightings videos from the Philippines and Nepal as well.
San Diego UFO Could Be Dark Fleet or Simulation, Cabal Power Play For Disclosure Continues http://t.co/VE0kwCKHB4
- GalacticConnection (@GalacticConnect) May 4, 2015
Whatever the answers turn out to be (if we get answers), these 2015 UFO sightings videos aren’t capturing anything alien. Still, that seems unlikely to mollify the diehards who are convinced that UFO disclosure is imminent and that Project Bluebeam (or even sillier conspiracies) is about to usher us all into the New World Order’s evil dictatorship (don’t ask).