‘Suicide Squad’ Cast: Will Smith’s Deadshot Has One Weakness

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice gave DC Comics a bad reputation, especially when put against Marvel’s Deadpool and Captain America: Civil War. But this could all change on August 5 when Suicide Squad arrives in theaters.

The cast is stacked with all-stars including Jared Leto, Viola Davis and Ben Affleck. Also Look forward to Familiar rising faces including Margot Robbie, Cara Delevingne, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje and Jai Courtney. But there’s one actor in particular that fanboys and movie buffs alike are looking forward to most: Will Smith.

Deadshot is an interesting role for Smith, but considering the 47-year old’s raw talent and ability to do just about anything he puts his mind to, it doesn’t come as too much of a surprise he accepted the challenge. Smith bluntly told Entertainment Weekly last week that he took the role because he’s “never played a character that legitimately didn’t give a fuck.”

“It’s very freeing not having to carry the moral spine of the movie. I couldn’t find a model to understand what would make someone comfortable killing another person for money. David walked me through that. He found a book for me (The Anatomy of Motive by John Douglas) and I worked through getting into the mind of serial killers. Once I accepted the [notion the author puts forth] that it feels good, that really exploded the idea in my mind of Deadshot,” Smith explained.

Will Smith as his alter ego, Floyd Lawton, standing with his daughter, Zoe.
Will Smith as his alter ego, Floyd Lawton, standing with his daughter, Zoe. Hollywood Reporter / Set Photo

However, aside from Smith’s all too familiar face, we haven't been given too many details about his character, who also goes by Floyd Lawton. In the comics, he’s one of Batman’s most common adversary’s, but in Suicide Squad , he may be more of an anti-hero.

Entertainment Weekly ’s recent cover story teased we’ll get a bit of his backstory, and learn more about his greatest weakness: his daughter zoe.

“Deadshot is one conflicted baddie who enjoys the hunt but is still trying to do right by his young daughter.”

At the start of Suicide Squad , Deadshot is locked up, so it’s clear he hasn’t been reading his daughter bedtime stories in a long while. It won’t be until Amanda Waller unveils her plan to assemble Task Force X that the villainous father will have a chance to reunite with his daughter.

Deadshot shares a moment with Harley Quinn in 'Suicide Squad.'
Deadshot shares a moment with Harley Quinn in 'Suicide Squad.' DC Entertainment

“He loves this little girl and that creates this bizarre conflicting mindset where he enjoys killing people but that’s something this little girl doesn’t want from him. She wants a daddy,” EW revealed.

Batman will share two scenes with Deadshot , one of which is described as “emotional,” and the other takes place in flashback form. Will Batman try and bring out Deadshot’s good side?

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