After being taken out of the map pool since the launch of Valorant Episode 6 Act 1, the newly reworked Bind map is now available in most game modes thanks to Patch 6.07. So, what has changed?
New and Improved
Bind was a pretty popular map in the Valorant community, mainly because it provided players with plenty of flanking options and different choke points that often resulted in fun and exciting engagements.
However, the developers removed Bind from the main map pool in Episode 6 Act 1 to improve some of its aspects. Fortunately, the wait is over as it has been reintroduced in most game modes in Valorant Patch 6.07. Here’s a rundown of the changes:
- Exit room for B Long to A Lobby teleporter has been moved to outside A Bath.
- A Lobby has been adjusted to accommodate the new teleporter location.
- Doorway from A Lobby into A Bath has been widened.
- Doorway from A Bath to A Site has been widened.
- Radianite crates on A Site have been adjusted.
- Barrel has been added on A Site.
- Back wall on A Site has been adjusted.
- Defender Spawn to B Site doorway has been widened.
- Utility window has been added to B Site into B Hall.
As of now, the updated Bind map is not a part of the competitive and unrated map rotation. It will be added to the map pool once Patch 6.08 goes live.
Patch Notes
- Visual updates to our in-game UI indicators (the yellow and red UI that appear when utility is around you or you are taking/about to take damage).
- Added a small animation to our Yellow Directional Indicator.
- Reyna
- Yellow indicator removed from Leer (C)
- Critical danger indicator added to FRAG/ment (C)
- Skye
- Yellow indicator removed from Seekers (X)
- Killjoy
- Yellow indicator removed from Alarmbot (E)
- Chamber
- Yellow indicator removed from Trademark (C)
- Sova
- Sova’s Recon Bolt (E) has been updated to correctly appear when playing with Bloom (graphical effect that makes things brighter) turned off.
- Sova’s Recon Bolt (E) scanning VFX has been updated to be more visible as it travels through the world.
- Sova’s Recon Bolt (E) model has been increased in size to more accurately represent its hitbox. This will not affect lineups. The collision as it travels is unchanged.
- We’re increasing the amount of Ranked Rating loss for repeated ranked queue dodging
- We’re introducing a 1 day ranked restriction for people who frequently take part in excessive AFK behavior, sooner than previously introduced ranked restrictions
- Agents
- Projectiles will now reset their blue travel trail when teleporting, removing the line that connects from teleporter to teleporter. This trail is only visible to allies.
- Gameplay Systems
- Fixed a bug where Agents are able to drop both primary and secondary weapons while planting or defusing the Spike.
- Fixed a bug in the minimap where teleport abilities can reveal an Agent’s out-of-sight minimap location when under packet loss.
- Fixed an issue where some players’ outline/fresnel were displayed even when “Hide Outlines and Fresnel” setting was enabled.
- Social
- Fixed a bug where the social panel from the in-game options screen was sometimes getting stuck open (for example when you opened the social panel, closed the options screen, then opened the options screen again).
Why settle for one, when you can have five?
— VALORANT (@PlayVALORANT) March 4, 2023
Meet Agent Gekko and his crew of creatures, launching with Episode 6: Act II.
So, what can you say about the improved Bind map in Valorant Patch 6.07?