'The Walking Dead' And 'Westworld' Star Steven Ogg Talks Smelling Good With Old Spice

Steven Ogg as Bob Giovanni for Old Spice
Steven Ogg as Bob Giovanni for Old Spice Bob Giovanni/Old Spice

Steven Ogg is best known for his high-profile roles on hit shows like Westworld and The Walking Dead. While these rough characters may seem to portray Ogg as a tough bad guy, he also has his softer, sweeter smelling side as Old Spice spokesman Bob Giovanni. Ogg talked to iDigitalTimes about working on some of TV’s biggest shows, how his fellow cast members smell and what he likes to do with his body wash.

Ogg’s characters work in a Wild West town, are from a zombie apocalypse, or are basically a meth head living on the outskirts of Los Santos in GTA V. These roles don’t necessarily bring to mind the most pleasant scents, but Ogg feels that works to his advantage. “I think that goes hand in hand. It’s almost like the dichotomy, I suppose,” he told iDigi. “Playing smelly characters emphasises how important it is to smell good.”

Ogg’s character spokesman, named Bob Giovanni, isn’t just about smelling good. Giovanni also encourages people to use their personal hygiene as a platform to boost confidence and follow their goals. It’s this angle that drove Ogg to be interested in the role. That and the ability to add some comedy to his traditionally dramatic performances.

“It’s nice to do that fun character,” said Ogg. “Between Rebus [on Westworld] and Simon [on The Walking Dead], that’s a lot of serious, bad stuff. It’s nice to do the comedy.”

Believe it or not, Ogg channeled his inner Trevor from GTA V to land the Bob Giovanni role. ”I was told about the character, and normally you are supposed to into the casting room and meet the director and everyone,” he said. “I said ‘I’m just going to run in the room and start this from the get-go.’ It’s like the Trevor character from GTA. You exaggerate your persona in order to communicate you’re right for the job.”

If you were wondering, yes there is a special club of Old Spice men, including Terry Crews and Bruce Campbell. “There’s a cabin in the woods that we all go do. It’s very rustic and manly, with fur on the wall and a big hot tub in the middle of the room. We sit in the hot tub and come up with new smells, and a team of scientists turns them into reality,” Ogg joked. “We make lasagna, stuff like that. Just a bunch of dudes in a cabin together, making smells.”

Ogg was recently promoted on The Walking Dead to a series regular, and is incredibly excited. But Ogg’s true joy comes from hanging around with the rest of the cast and crew. “That company is a family, we all get along together so well and we’re so close. Just knowing we’re going to be together, that’s the bigger thing,” he said.

“We’re all ridiculously close, it’s quite gross.”

As for everyone’s personal hygiene in a zombie apocalypse, Ogg mentioned how surprised he was that everyone is so clean. Well, almost everyone. “It’s amazing how those people really don’t smell. Just look at their hair on that show,” he said. “Even Simon’s hair looks great. Norman could use a shampoo sometimes.”

If you want a secret pro-tip for Old Spice products, Ogg has you covered. “I love using the body wash as bath bubbles. I’m a big bather,” he said. “You squirt that in as the water is running, and you get that fragrant, delicious water.” Ogg’s favorite scent is Steel Courage. “It may sound like a cheesy plug, but it does keep your skin soft.”

So what do you think? Have you been enjoying Ogg’s roles in The Walking Dead and Westworld? Will you follow your dreams by using Old Spice products? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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