Michonne might be taking on a key comic book role in more ways than one. The Walking Dead Season 7 episode 4 revealed Michonne taking some target practice. This might be a hint at what’s to come in the show for her character.
Michonne goes out early in the episode with a stolen gun from The Saviors. She’s trying to refine her sniper skills, which is odd seeing as though Alexandria has a sniper in Sasha. However, Sasha is away taking care of Maggie in The Hilltop community. Rick and Father Gabriel allowed Negan to believe Maggie had died on their way back to Alexandria. They even dug a third grave to throw Negan off Maggie’s trail.
With no Sasha to act as a sniper, Alexandria is down a very important soldier in their army. In the comics, Andrea is the sniper, and becomes a key player in the All Out War storyline. Negan took all of their guns in The Walking Dead Season 7 episode 4, which leaves them powerless against The Saviors. With no guns, Rick’s people can’t fight. The only way to protect them from a threat would be to see it before it comes their way, which is why snipers are important.
Michonne is ready to fight. She believes Rick is making a mistake by being submissive to Negan. Rick doesn’t want to hurt Daryl, who’s currently a prisoner of The Saviors. Rick sees a beaten up, quiet Daryl and it hurts him to the core. Rick doesn’t want to lose anyone else, something Michonne can’t seem to fully understand.
We hope Michonne doesn’t try to take out Negan. Not that anyone would cry over a Negan death, but if she fails everyone in Alexandria is as good as dead. What do you think about Michonne becoming a sniper? Let us know in the comments below. The Walking Dead Season 7 airs Sundays on AMC at 9 p.m.